Bitterly Ever After by the Dork of York (M)

Feb 12, 2011 16:54

Fandom Category: Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy
Pairing: OFC/James Norrington, Elizabeth Swann/Will Turner
Fic Title: Bitterly Ever After
Author: The Dork of York, on
Rating/Warning( ( Read more... )

ship: original character, ship: elizabeth swann/william turner, fandom: pirates of the caribbean, special reccer: seren_ccd

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Comments 1

borg_princess March 10 2011, 05:57:19 UTC
I ♥ you so much right now. (a little bit more since I hadn't looked at the name of the reccer of this post and now that I have, I think I recognize you from Star Trek reboot fanfic?) I saved this fic when I first saw this post but only got around to reading it over the past week. I'm only about halfway through this epic-length fic and it is just so enjoyable and so wonderfully written.

I was a bit O.o at the idea of an OOC (bad experiences with Mary Sues in the past, probably since I went looking for Jack Sparrow/OOC fics and all the fangirls just wrote nauseating, pathetic self-insert fics) but Stella is amazing! I actually wondered if she might be a real character at one point because she's so convincingly portrayed as a well-rounded and realistic character.

Just...yeah, I'm really, really happy you rec'd this, I'm having such a great time reading it. ^_^


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