Challenge 55: Star Trek Enterprise Rec

Jan 01, 2011 18:00

Fandom Category: Star Trek Enterprise
Pairing: Trip/Tpol
Fic Title:The Endeavour Chronicles (series)
Author: Rigil Kent
Genre: drama/romance
WIP?: Yes Janus and Divergent Paths are still ongoing

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ship: t'pol/charles "trip" tucker iii, fandom: star trek: enterprise

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Comments 2

ex_misplace January 1 2011, 18:24:02 UTC
I'll add my own praise! Rigil is a fantastic author, his style is so polished it's like reading a published novel. Not just great Trip/T'Pol moments but great action scenes and, in his Endeavor series, he has original characters that are so believable, you care just as much about them as you do for the original NX-01 crew!


endeni January 3 2011, 14:02:07 UTC
Wow, thanks for the rec, the fic looks really interesting! ;) Off to read...


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