Four Harry Potter recs (various pairings)

Mar 25, 2018 15:04

Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Susan Bones/Terry Boot
Title: Susan Bones’s List of Worst Days Ever
Author: katmarajade
Link: LJ
Rating/Warning(s): Teen, none.
Word Count/WIP?: 4,800 words. N.
Recced on LiveJournal By: profshallowness

Why This Must Be Read: This was a lot of fun, with an underlying seriousness. I liked the characterisation and the use of the ( Read more... )

ship: hermione granger/ronald weasley, ship: susan bones/terry boot, ship: penelope clearwater/percy weasley, fandom: harry potter

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Comments 2

stars_inthe_sky March 25 2018, 20:21:04 UTC
Tag added!


profshallowness March 26 2018, 06:40:59 UTC
Thank you!


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