Two recs: Game of Thrones Brienne/Jamie, Life Dani/Charlie

Mar 20, 2018 21:55

Fandom: Game of Thrones
Pairing: Brienne of Tarth/Jamie Lannister
Title: Flat White
Author: shiphitsthefan
Link: Here
Rating/Warning(s): Mature/AU, violence
Word Count/WIP?: 9,420/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: honor_reid

Why This Must Be Read: This is a coffee shop AU.  At first I wasn't sure how this would work as the Game of Thrones is anything ( Read more... )

ship: dani reese/charlie crews, fandom: game of thrones, fandom: life, ship: brienne of tarth/jamie lannister

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Comments 2

tinnny March 25 2018, 09:26:49 UTC
thanks for posting here again! I missed this comm in the last two months! <3


honor_reid March 26 2018, 04:17:54 UTC
You are welcome. I have missed this comm as well. :D


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