Guardian of Hope by TanyaReed (Teen)

Aug 23, 2016 20:34

Fandom: The Librarians
Pairing: Eve Baird/Jake Stone
Title: Guardian of Hope
Author: TanyaReed
Link: Here
Rating/Warning(s): Teen/None
Word Count/WIP?: 45,854/No
Recced on LiveJournal By: Honor_Reid

Why This Must Be Read: I loved the first season finale and the Loom of Fate especially the interaction between Eve and Jake in the alternate universe ( Read more... )

fandom: the librarians, ship: eve baird/jake stone

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Comments 4

blithers August 24 2016, 13:53:01 UTC
Ship tag added!


honor_reid August 24 2016, 15:25:19 UTC
Thank you!


tinnny August 26 2016, 19:45:46 UTC
Oooh nice! That's the danger inherent in only tracking my favorite ship, even in small fandoms like the Librarians. Because I totally overlooked this story.

Thank you!


honor_reid August 26 2016, 20:34:32 UTC
You're Welcome. Enjoy! :)


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