Mod Post: the Manifesto Challenge is BACK!

Mar 15, 2016 11:55

In addition to regular reccing, this community is open for manifesto posting. But a lot of you have said you want to see a formal Manifesto here it is!

Sign-ups for the 2016 het-reccers Manifesto Challenge are open!

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Comments 31

skysamuelle March 23 2016, 20:20:43 UTC
It has been ages since I made a manifesto and I almost missed this chance, damn... I hencefore claim... Ship Manifesto -Usagi Tsukino/Mamoru Chiba


stars_inthe_sky March 23 2016, 21:17:35 UTC
It's yours! Is that the Sailor Moon fandom?


skysamuelle March 23 2016, 21:42:00 UTC
Yes, sorry for not specifying.
Talking of the which, I have a question -I wanted to rec a sort of illustrated fanfiction (it reads like a comic)... would it count as fanart or as 'proper' fanfiction?


skysamuelle March 31 2016, 16:55:59 UTC
it just occurred me that I have a lot of fan art from whole another time of my life on a particular ship that would make excellent aid for a particular ship manifesto...
so i would like to go double on the challenge and claim Blair Waldorf/Chuck Bass, Gossip Girl.


stars_inthe_sky March 31 2016, 17:37:27 UTC

... )


seren_ccd April 1 2016, 06:31:24 UTC
Well, since this pairing has recently taken over my life, it's only fair that I spread the joy around. :P

Daredevil: Karen Page/Frank Castle


stars_inthe_sky April 1 2016, 12:55:58 UTC
It's all yours :)

(I really gotta watch the new season...)


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stars_inthe_sky April 2 2016, 03:07:28 UTC

... )


skysamuelle April 2 2016, 12:17:28 UTC
So possibly I am crazy but apparently manifestos are just the thing i like to kill a couple of hours after dinner ... and the deadline challenge is far away.
I am claiming two character manifestos:
Galadriel, Lord Of Rings
Spike, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer


stars_inthe_sky April 2 2016, 16:26:01 UTC
You are a machine, and I salute you.


skysamuelle April 12 2016, 14:52:33 UTC
Or some kind of fic-eating monster to be sure :D
Anyway, after being completely gutted by the current last episode of The Magicians, I've decided that I have far too many things to say about the show to not write a fandom manifesto about it. So... sign me in.
I claim it. Again.


stars_inthe_sky April 12 2016, 18:14:32 UTC

... )


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