Title: A Map of Her Life Author: sheepfairy Fandom: Gundam Wing Pairing: Noin/Zechs/Treize/Une (in a really vague way) Rating: PG Word Count: 1000 Prompt: Zechs/Noin/Treize or (second choice) Treize/Une/Zechs
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Much, much love for Noin and the way you turned my prompt into this shiny, shiny piece of fanfiction, that encompassed both the series and the movie in a stellar way, with the spotlight on Noin and her relationships with the other three characters. I especially also loved the way you showed the differences between them, and the way they still made things work between them. If I had to pick, I'd say the second part was my favorite, because it's got some great one-liners as well as Noin's view on Treize (I don't think the two of them interacted all that much, if ever, in the anime, and your description of their relationship rang very true).
Thank you very, very much for picking up my request and writing it!
Comments 2
Thank you very, very much for picking up my request and writing it!
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