Confession (Final Fantasy VI, Shadow/Celes)

Aug 15, 2007 02:20

Title: Confession
Author: rosehipteaFandom: Final Fantasy VI ( Read more... )

final fantasy 6, rosehiptea

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Comments 11

hinodeh August 16 2007, 12:19:30 UTC
Good one ! I really like this story, especially because it is a Shadow-pairing and those are hard to come by in and of themselves, though, of course, Shadow/Celes is even rarer than Shadow/Terra . ( This is the second one I ever found . )

Rather than getting lovey-dovy or otherwise mushy you use a matter-of-fact-tone in your piece which is very fitting for both Celes and Shadow. I can see them acting and talking the way they did in the story .

My favorite part is the ending and the moment when Celes tries to imagine Shadow's face and thinks of Cyan and Sabin . Guess the "lined with worry"-part is just a nicely evocative description when you combine it with Cyan .

I'm definitly going to save this .


rosehiptea August 16 2007, 16:48:46 UTC
Thank you! I'm really glad you enjoyed it. I haven't found many Shadow fics either, and I admit he's hard to write for, but I enjoyed writing this.


queenoftheskies August 17 2007, 02:47:10 UTC
I've never seen a story involving Shadow before, so as I was looking through the comm, I had to read.

This is great. Shadow and Celes work well together.

You wrote a great story.


rosehiptea August 17 2007, 03:07:47 UTC
Thank you. I was really nervous about fulfilling the prompt but I did my best. I'm glad you liked it, especially since you write such great stuff yourself.


lassarina August 17 2007, 03:37:06 UTC
*squeals in glee* Thank you! This was my prompt, and YES. I like how businesslike they both are, and how clearly he sees her, because that's what Shadow does. Yay. YAY!


rosehiptea August 17 2007, 04:49:01 UTC
I'm so glad you liked it. It was a challenge trying to write Shadow, because even with the backstory we get he's so mysterious. I'm happy you found my story IC. Thanks for the prompt!


dingobrilliant November 9 2007, 05:11:49 UTC
wonderful. i've never seen this pairing and it was masterfully done!


rosehiptea November 9 2007, 05:20:29 UTC
Oh, thank you so much! To be honest I wouldn't have thought of the pairing except for the request, and if I pulled it off well I'm really glad.


dingobrilliant August 5 2008, 21:58:55 UTC
This story has been recommended at 'Pushing the Quill.'

We're a haven for all fandoms, so feel free to come by and drop a rec of your own! We'd love to know what you're reading!


rosehiptea August 5 2008, 23:44:24 UTC
Oh, thank you! I'll have to drop by and rec a good Silent Hill fic I just read, as long as I'm allowed to rec stuff that was posted in the comm I mod.


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