Final Fantasy VII - Zack/Cloud/Aeris/Tifa - Here Comes the Sun

Jul 22, 2007 15:07

Title: Here Comes the Sun
Author/Artist: findingfaramir
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Pairing: Zack/Cloud/Aeris/Tifa
Rating: G
Warnings: fluff and cuteness :)
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII: Zack/Cloud/Aeris/Tifa- Outside with chocobos.

and it's alright da na na na na na )

findingfaramir, final fantasy 7

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Comments 9

voodoobob July 22 2007, 22:34:13 UTC

Aww, I love how the togetherness comes through - how they're all being sort of touchy-feely and you can see that thread going through and connecting all four of them. ♥

somebody else likes Z/C/A/T? who are you, come out, I need to hug you.


findingfaramir July 23 2007, 02:04:31 UTC
Thank you! I love drawing the four of them being snuggly. :) Ultimate OT4.


elanor_pam July 22 2007, 23:38:40 UTC
Peck someone, goldy! XDDDD


findingfaramir July 23 2007, 02:05:56 UTC
If Cloud doesn't hand over the greens soon, he might!


kimouski July 23 2007, 01:52:43 UTC
The short: This is cute. Eyecatching.

The long: I like that it's stylized in something other than manga/anime and I think your proportions are good. Hands need some work, but they're pretty tricky to get right. What I'm most thrown by is what looks like a floating chocobo head above Tifa. Am I missing something?


findingfaramir July 23 2007, 01:59:32 UTC
The short: Thanks!

The long: Thanks again! Hands are my greatest enemy and also what I tend to do last and getting lazy - a bad habit I am working on. Um. It is more like a floating chocobo body? The head is only the bit with the beak. I did cheat and "hide" the legs behind Tifa and Aeris, though.


kimouski July 23 2007, 02:12:16 UTC
Hands are a lot of people's enemies. Feet, too. My suggestion? PRACTICE. Seriously, they make or break a piece, and in my book, they separate a serious artist from a wannabe. Master them and they'll end up being your favorite things to draw, AND it'll kick your art up into a whole new level. /sales pitch ( ... )


icedark_elf July 23 2007, 02:03:26 UTC
Woot! Prompt! And more Z/C/A/T fans.

It is an interesting style, and chocobo! I'm amused that it seems like the boys are looking at the bird, and the girls are looking at the boys.


findingfaramir July 23 2007, 02:05:19 UTC
Thank you! It was a lot of fun to do! And I love your icon. :)


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