Fic: Out of Place (Final Fantasy XII - Larsa/Penelo)

May 01, 2007 18:04

Title: Out of Place
Fandom: Final Fantasy XII
Pairing: Larsa/Penelo
Author: Celtic Star (lassarina/ficjournal: athyn)
Recipient: Kestrel
Rating: PG
Warnings: Significant spoilers for the ending of the game as well as main party members' backstories
Prompt: He grew up with politics as close as the air he breathes; she grew up scrabbling for food. The gap ( Read more... )

recipient: kestrel, final fantasy 12, lassarina, celtic star

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Comments 16

mithrigil May 2 2007, 00:05:27 UTC
This is adorable. I love how Larsa's already all but shouted to the world "I AM MARRYING THIS WOMAN" and everyone seems to know it but Penelo herself.


mithrigil May 2 2007, 03:03:55 UTC
Thank you! XD I kind of love how cute they are and I think Larsa's definitely the type for sweeping gestures of this sort. I'm so glad you liked it! ^_^;

--Celtic Star


laylah May 2 2007, 01:41:15 UTC
Ah, very nice! I love the ways that the others are present, too -- yay for Ffamran, in the right place at the right time (and always knowing the right thing to say ♥), and ah, the bits about Gabranth choosing to remain so, and doing what he thinks honorable rather than what he might want -- I wibble.

Also Larsa is doing his best to be the best boyfriend ever. ^^


laylah May 2 2007, 03:05:25 UTC
I couldn't resist the opportunity to let Ffamran be witty, or Gabranth to be stolid and honourable and dutiful.

Larsa is definitely trying to be the best boyfriend ever. And he's still young, so he'll just get better at it!

--Celtic Star


jpegasus May 2 2007, 03:31:25 UTC
awww, yay! So cute. And the cameos are wonderful. I think the other commenters have already covered what's so charming about this fic, but still -- so very good.

It's really nice to see the Mean Girl's getting what they deserve.


jpegasus May 2 2007, 03:33:47 UTC
Thank you very much!

Yeah, I admit to a certain petty and small satisfaction in being able to give the mean girls what they richly deserved., I totally am not compensating for harassment directed at me in my youth, why do you ask? >.>;

--Celtic Star


anonymous May 2 2007, 04:06:47 UTC
Aww! This is so sweet -- I love the way Penelo has no idea what to make of the splendour, and Larsa is trying so hard, and she's not quite picking up on the implications and he's not quite picking up on her not quite picking up -- and bless Balthier for being her translator and go-between in the alien world of Archadian high society. Thank you, this is lovely. ♥ ♥

-- Kestrel


anonymous May 2 2007, 04:10:51 UTC
Yay! I am so pleased you liked it ^_^; Balthier was having entirely too much fun interfering (he insists it was translating) and I had to chase him off with a broom to let Larsa and Penelo interact. XD

--Celtic Star


kilraaj May 2 2007, 15:13:34 UTC
So cute! ♥ I like the Vaan voice. XD Even if Penelo really should not listen to it.


kilraaj May 2 2007, 15:15:16 UTC
Thank you! ♥

She was totally tempted to listen. Even though it would be a bad idea and following Vaan's suggestions usually leads to trouble. But attacking Archadian nobility is not generally a good plan.

--Celtic Star


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