"Innocence" (Final Fantasy IV; Kain/Rydia/Valvalicia)

Apr 30, 2007 23:37

Title: Innocence
Fandom: Final Fantasy IV
Pairing: Kain/Valvalicia/Rydia
Author: Celtic Star (lassarina/ficjournal: athyn)
Recipient: Salty Bob
Rating: R
Warnings: Not really worksafe for sexual content. Spoilers.
Summary: Do not call up what you cannot put down.

Innocence )

lassarina, final fantasy 4, recipient: salty bob, celtic star

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Comments 8

mithrigil May 1 2007, 11:21:20 UTC

If it hadn't been for the warning, I wouldn't have guessed so quickly. ::grin::

This is well-paced and well thought out. I especially like his revelation coming after.


mithrigil May 1 2007, 13:04:57 UTC
XD Thank you! I really love writing any of these three characters, so the excuse to have them all in one story was fabulous. I'm so glad you enjoyed it :)

--Celtic Star


katmillia May 2 2007, 04:36:17 UTC
You drew me in with the pairing (anything that has Kain and Rydia in the same ship, whoever between, is good enough for me!) and you completely blew me away with the execution. I LOVED the idea behind this, all of it, from Kain feeling the need to help rebuild Mist (I toy with that) to Valvalicia controlling Rydia (which was BEYOND amazingly well-done). I completely applaud you, for this is one of my favorite new fics I have found. As a Kain/Rydia shipper, I implore you to write more! :D


katmillia May 2 2007, 13:02:51 UTC
Heee. Thank you! I think I may still go back and write the darker ending, which I think fits the tone of the whole prompt better, but I am so pleased that it worked out this way too ^_^;

--Celtic Star


first_seventhe May 2 2007, 12:16:31 UTC
THE META IN THIS IS ASTOUNDING. Rydia trying to summon the Four Fiends? That opening scene with Valvalicia? This alone has launched a thousand ficbunnies in my head.

Plus, Valvalicia controlling Rydia through her amulet, the possession, the wind around Rydia (oh, I noticed), everything. Kain not realizing until after the deed is done (OH THE ANGST) and and and.

I can only squee.


first_seventhe May 2 2007, 13:33:41 UTC
*squees back at you*

Thank you! Most of the meta is due to the prompt, but I'm glad I rendered it well :D

--Celtic Star


anonymous May 2 2007, 14:12:48 UTC
Oh, brilliant. Just brilliant. I love how you treated the idea, Valvalis controlling Rydia in her own body - I never would have thought of a summon being able to do that.
I'd love to read the darker ending too, since that idea fascinates me. This ending was awesome too, though.
Thank you so much for writing this! :D
- SB


anonymous May 2 2007, 14:25:20 UTC
You are quite welcome! ^_^; I had a lot of fun with it, and I'm really glad it turned out in a way you liked. I'll get back to you with the darker ending shortly - probably within the week.

--Celtic Star


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