Fic: Final Fantasy X: Wakka/Lulu, for Descartes

Apr 22, 2007 10:01

Title: The Mourning Bride
Fandom: Final Fantasy X
Pairing: Wakku/Lulu
Author/artist: GlassTurtle
Recipient: Descartes
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1490
Request: pre-game hurt/comfort set around the time of Chappu's death / when Wakka hears about it.
Disclaimer: Final Fantasy X belongs to Square-Enix. And I stole the title from William Congreve.

He knows that they will bring him food and try to pry out his awkward grief. )

glassturtle, recipient: descartes, final fantasy 10, rosehiptea

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Comments 6

anonymous April 22 2007, 17:53:57 UTC
Oh! That was just... beautiful!!! Poor Wakka and Lulu... ;_;

The bit about Lulu's dress just... hurt, and I particularly loved this part at the end:

"You know," she says in a quiet sleepy voice. "I came here to comfort you."

"And you did."

You did a fantastic job with this prompt. This fic is everything I hoped it would be. Thank you so much for writing this for me!!!

♥ Descartes


anonymous April 22 2007, 18:02:40 UTC
I'm so glad you liked it. I really enjoyed writing these characters, and thinking about what grief can do to people, positive and negative. Thanks for a great prompt.



jpegasus April 22 2007, 18:33:29 UTC
but right now the pain is all he has left of his brother.

o-ow ;____;


jpegasus April 22 2007, 21:03:31 UTC
Yeah, I think that's one reason people have a hard time letting go of grief, and Wakka's grief is very fresh here.




sheepfairy May 6 2007, 20:01:03 UTC
I like this a lot, especially the way you've written Lulu. The part about her mourning clothes is fantastic, and the way that she feels her pain is being devalued because they weren't actually married is just perfect.

And I love that they managed to find some comfort in each other at the end.


rosehiptea May 7 2007, 16:12:37 UTC
Thank you very much! I like Lulu a lot and wanted her to keep her dignity while still showing her pain to Wakka. I'm really glad you liked it.


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