Title: It was you
Fandom: FFX
Pairing: Lulu/Wakka
Author/artist: Black Dove
Recipient: Sporebat
Rating: G
Warnings (if necessary): None
Prompt: No real preference, though perhaps something along the lines of mebbe of when they finally get around to admitting their feelings or sommat?
Note: I just couldn't help but draw these two being cute. XD
Smooching Imminent )
Comments 7
That was always one of the things I liked the most about FFX canon:
serious, gothy Lulu ending up with goofball Wakka.
(Possibly because this has distinct parallels to my own experience. XD)
Nicely done :-D
(especially your attention to detail - spectacular! ^_^)
This is ten shades of absolute /awesome/. I can't get over the expressions, they're just so /lovely/! Wakka's a dork, and it shows, and it looks as if Lu's trying to decide whether dorkhood is acceptable at such a moment or not.
And the linework! It's so clean! Is it traditional? *peer* Jealous! I can't do very clean linework traditionally *digital geek*
And omg... I think, wow, after the reveal, I'm definitely going to have to cling and chew on your head for permission to color it.
And ... and... and I should probably stop squealing >D
The detail, the textures, the adorable look on Wakka's face.
*fanboy squeal*
This makes me happy in ways I cannot describe.
Thank you!
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