Challenge 124

Oct 15, 2013 13:05

In addition to any recs you wish to post at any time, the comm has bi-weekly rec challenges issued by the mods.

Challenge 124:

Category: NCIS/NCIS: Los Angeles
Deadline: November 1
Challenge: Rec us your favorite NCIS and NCIS: Los Angeles fics. Any and all het pairings welcome! Just c/p the text below and post it as a new entry:

Fandom Category:
Fic Title:

Why This Must Be Read:

You do not need to ask for posting rights. Just become a member and rec your favorites!

Feel free to pimp this comm to your friends so that we get more NCIS and NCIS: Los Angeles fans!

And, for an extra challenge, see if you can help your fellow members find fics for the following pairings:

Burn Notice: Fiona Glenanne/Michael Westen
Fairytale: Little Red Riding Hood/Big Bad Wolf
Naruto: Hinata Hyuuga/Naruto Uzumaki
Once Upon A Time: Regina Mills/Captain Hook
Silk: Martha Costello/Clive Reader
Star Trek The Next Generation: Kate Pulaski/Any Male
The Avengers/Marvel: Bruce Banner/Darcy Lewis
Veronica Mars - Veronica Mars/Logan Echoll (S1)


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