Day 06: and the world spins madly on by youcallitwinter (pg-13)

Oct 07, 2012 00:51

Day 06 - A fic with the most heartbreaking scene.

Fandom Category: The Vampire Diaries (TV)
Pairing: Elena Gilbert/Damon Salvatore
Fic Title: and the world spins madly on
Author: youcallitwinter
Link: and the world spins madly on
Rating/Warning(s): pg-13. Slight sexuality.
Genre: Angst
WIP?: No

Why This Must Be Read: In approximately 400 words, this fic gave me more feelings for Damon/Elena than the entire show had, up until that point. There's a lot of understated grief and reading between the lines that works better than me than overblown scenes. Set after 2x22, this is now AU, but still packs a punch.

special: 30 day meme, ship: elena gilbert/damon salvatore, fandom: vampire diaries

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