Five Carter/Reese recs, Person of Interest

Jun 25, 2012 18:56

Fandom Category: Person of Interest
Pairing: Joss Carter/John Reese
Fic Title: General Counsel
Author: blacktop50
Rating/Warning(s): G
Genre: friendship fic (Carter and Fusco, featuring plenty of discussion about Carter/Reese)
WIP?: no

Why This Must Be Read: I'm thoroughly charmed and amused by Fusco's bumbling efforts to give some advice to Carter about her relationship with that man in the suit. (Assumes an ongoing relationship established in blacktop50's earlier Person of Interest stories, although this works fine as a stand-alone story.)

Fandom Category: Person of Interest
Pairing: Joss Carter/John Reese
Fic Title: One on One
Author: Jessa4865 on
Rating/Warning(s): PG
Genre: early developing relationship
WIP?: no

Why This Must Be Read: Not many Carter/Reese fics take the time to develop Taylor Carter's character. This story gives him some nicely comical moments, complete with teenage meddling and age-appropriate mistakes. Also, it's sweet and kinda cheesy and sometimes you just want a bit of ridiculous pining.

Fandom Category: Person of Interest
Pairing: Joss Carter/John Reese
Fic Title: Kryptonite
Author: homeric on
Rating/Warning(s): NC-17
Genre: character study, first time sex
WIP?: no

Why This Must Be Read: Another story that gives us more insight into Taylor Carter. Chapter one is Reese interacting with him, chapter two is Carter/Reese. I'm not sure the two chapters work together as a story--they have such different tones--but they're both well-written and compelling. (Does contain hints that the author is British rather than American, but it didn't do more than make me blink.)

Fandom Category: Person of Interest
Pairing: Joss Carter/John Reese
Fic Title: Watching Carter
Author: anicho01 on
Genre: character study, pining
WIP?: no

Why This Must Be Read: This could easily fit into an episode--another morning for Carter to go to work and evade the people watching her. This story has Carter and Reese tiptoing around the idea of something more than just a work relationship, so... pining! If you like that sort of thing. (Clearly I do.)

Fandom Category: Person of Interest
Pairing: Joss Carter/John Reese
Fic Title: Gone
Author: homeric on
Rating/Warning(s): PG-13. Some violence; also, part of the plot includes characters with racist ideology
Genre: action, romance
WIP?: YES, but so far there are 8 chapters up (out of ten); updated often.

Why This Must Be Read: Actual plot! Reese fighting bad guys! Taylor and Finch working together! Carter and Reese might actually acknowledge feelings at some point in the future! (Fairly broad hints that this is where things are going.)

fandom: person of interest, ship: joss carter/john reese

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