Character Manifesto: Syfy's Alice: Alice Hamilton

Jul 04, 2011 13:58

Fandom: Syfy’s Alice
Character: Alice Hamilton
Pairings Included in Manifesto: Alice/Hatter, Alice/Jack

Blurb: Alice is one of those classic characters. Everyone’s heard of the great Alice in Wonderland. The story’s been adapted and remade a hundred times since Lewis Carroll first put her in print in 1865. However, Alice Hamilton is not the “Alice of Legend” who brought down the whole house of cards.

Alice Hamilton is a gorgeous, self-assured, kickass, judo instructor, living in 21st century New York. She lost her father when she was 10, and never stopped looking for him. She has a gorgeous boyfriend, Jack, who buys her flowers and impresses her mother. Then everything goes wrong, and Jack disappears, and she falls through a mirror to a fairy-tale world where it seems like everything is trying to kill her.

However, Alice doesn’t let a little problem like that stop her! She finds herself some allies, gets her father back, loses him again, and takes down the evil empire. And, somewhere along the way, she falls out of love with the Jack of Hearts, and in love with the mad Hatter.

The love triangle between these three is one of my favourite bits of the whole thing. The bias in fandom is definitely heavily in Hatter’s favour, but hey, Jack had a few things going for him. At the beginning, Alice and Jack are just your normal, everyday couple. He buys her flowers and they have dinner with her mother. All nice and safe and domestic. However, the whole lying-to-her-and-using-her-to-get-back-at-his-mother was never going to help. On the other hand, Hatter starts off strange, slightly subversive, and might-sell-her-to-Tim-Curry. However, he comes through over and over again, and they develop this lovely friendship that builds into something more.

Enjoy the recs!

A picspam of Alice and her boys!

WARNING: I am a self-confessed fluff addict, especially when it comes to this fandom. There will probably be a high concentration of the words “sweet”, “funny” and “lovely” in the descriptions of the fics I rec. I apologise in advance, but those are the sorts of fic that I love to read. As such, this is by no means a comprehensive rec list of what’s available in the Alice fandom. However, if you go here, you will find an awful lot of other great fic, in many tastes and genres. ;)

Fic Rec #1: Three of Hearts
Pairing: Alice/Jack
Author: Song_Of_Mars
Rating/Warning(s): PG, none

Why This Must Be Read: I’m going to start with an Alice/Jack rec, because there really isn’t enough Alice/Jack in the world, and this one is quite smashing. It’s a really good take on how they first met. It’s funny and sweet and incredibly in character. It’s the sort of fic that fits absolutely perfectly as a prequel to the canon, without any suspension of disbelief required.

Fic Rec #2: Chasing Ghosts
Pairing: one-sided Jack/Alice, Alice/Hatter
Author: Effie214
Rating/Warning(s): PG, none

Why This Must Be Read: After the events of the show, Jack returns to our world, and sees Alice and Hatter together. This one is really quite sad. However, it’s also very well-written, and remarkably powerful for only 1900 words. I love the image of Jack watching them from the shadows, and realising just what it is that he really needs.

Fic Rec #3 Foam
Pairing: Alice/Hatter
Author: A Little Oddish
Link: (part 2 linked at the bottom)
Rating/Warning(s): G, none

Why This Must Be Read: This is quite possibly the sweetest story in the whole wide world. It’s an AU, where Hatter (or “David”) is a barista in a coffee shop, and Alice is a regular, who he has a total crush on. It’s sugar-sweet and cute and bubbly, and it makes me feel all warm inside when I read it. So you should too.

Fic Rec #4: Every Wise Man’s Son Doth Know
Pairing: Alice/Hatter
Author: AriadneQuinn
Rating/Warning(s): G, none

Why This Must Be Read: The canon left us hanging at the end, with that wonderful reunion scene, and Alice’s poor mother standing gobsmacked. This is what happened next. I’ve read several takes on this scene, and this one is my favourite. It’s the combination of an almost entirely plausible explanation, and the easy and perfectly-in-character dialogue that make it completely irresistible. Read it and love it!

Fic Rec #5: Hey Jealousy
Pairing: Alice/Hatter
Author: Sucrosesanction
Rating/Warning(s): PG, none

Why This Must Be Read: Back in our world, Alice gets jealous. It sounds a little dull, and clichéd, and maybe it should be, but it really isn’t. It’s short and sweet and contains the following quote (which is quite possibly one of the most romantic things I’ve ever read.)

"Tea is only as important as any delicious tart might be. You, on the other hand, are as important as the bones that hold me together and the heart that keeps me alive."

Fic Rec #6: Making the Man
Pairing: Alice/Hatter
Author: Kalliopeia
Rating/Warning(s): PG, nothing really

Why This Must Be Read: This is another very sweet, rather fluffy fic. In our world, Hatter is trying to ‘fit in’, but Alice is determined to keep Hatter just the way she loves him. The gradual way that Alice supplements Hatter’s wardrobe is funny and cute, and, oh, you should just go read it!

Fic Rec #7: Dirty Little Secrets
Author: The Writing Bug
Pairing: Alice/Hatter
Rating/Warning(s): PG-13, but nothing serious

Why This Must Be Read: It’s fanfic inspired by Postsecret. If that doesn’t pique your interest, it’s also a rather lovely little romance that makes total sense, both in the frame of the canon, and just on its own. It’s sweet and a little sad in places, but it comes through with a happy ending that gives you the warm fuzzies.

Fic Rec #8: Holding Infinity
Pairing: Alice/Hatter
Author: Alyse
Rating/Warning(s): R, some smut

Why This Must Be Read: This is more of an author rec than just one fic. If you haven’t read anything by Alyse, you are seriously missing out. She is an amazing writer, with that wonderful talent of making her stories come to life on the screen/page. This one, about Alice watching Hatter fit seamlessly into her world, is simply beautiful.

Fic Rec #9: Play Your Cards Right
Pairing: Alice/Hatter
Author: Nanarie
Rating/Warning(s): NC-17, very smutty

Why This Must Be Read: This is actually an extra scene from a longer fic (“Leather, Cinnamon and Allspice”), which is linked at the top of the fic, and definitely well-worth a read (even if it’s a WIP that hasn’t been updated in a year). However, I couldn’t resist highlighting this scene in particular. If there’s one thing I love more than fluff, it’s witty, clever, funny smut, and this fulfils all four requirements. (And who doesn’t like the image of Andrew-Lee Potts all naked and wet?)

Fic Rec #10: Actions and Reactions
Pairing: Alice/Hatter
Author: Skye10
Rating/Warning(s): NC-17, very smutty

Why This Must Be Read: I’ve read a lot of “Alice drinks Lust and gets it on with Hatter” fics. I’d say they make up a good 10% of the Alice fanfiction available. However, this one is undoubtedly my favourite. It’s a tad funny and a little lovely, and incredibly hot, but perfectly in character, right down to the dialogue. Skye has a way with words that just make you get lost in the story.

ship: alice hamilton/jack chase, fandom: alice (tv miniseries), special: manifesto, !remembered, ship: alice hamilton/hatter

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