Fandom Category: the vampire diaries
Pairing: Greta Martin/Klaus
Fic Title: Worth, Regret, and Peace
Genre: aganst, romance
WIP?: no
Why This Must Be Read: It's a both lovely and tragic exploration of Greta and her relationship with Klaus. It takes place after Greta finds out that her family died to 'rescue' her from her lover clutches. The young witch must come to terms with the part she played in her family's ruin and it ain't easy. Still, this fic makes you wonder about the Martin's family dynamics while staying choerent with what the show showed and what it neglected to say. After reading this piece, I can only say i will be extremely disappointed for any other characterization of Greta or Klaus. Because this fic makes them into one badass couple, even if their relationship is not quite the focus.