2016 Beta Reader Sign Up!

May 01, 2016 12:45

Most people will already have their own beta reader, but hey, maybe they want to try someone new. A beta reader is a person who reads another person's written work with a critical eye, with the aim of improving grammar, spelling, characterization, and general style of a story before the author posts it up. All participants must get their fiction beta’d by at least one person.

Beta volunteer: Can we get some lovely volunteers to help our writers out? Betas are love, so comment below with the following text! Comments are unscreened.

User name:
Preferred Fandoms/Pairings:
Is there any type of fiction you would prefer to avoid beta'ing?
What are your strengths as a beta reader?
What kind of turn around time can someone expect from you?

Need a beta: If you are in need of a beta, then drop a note or just directly contact someone that volunteers below by replying to their comments.

!sign ups, !admin

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