I would really rather not have to rehash the whole "Is slash misogynist?" discussion, but apparently I now can't tell the difference between an unflattering portrait of a female character, and making her act out-of-character in order to push two boy characters together. (
cut because I do go on )
Comments 69
scoradh's response was remarkable. You don't see that kind of grace very often. After your earlier post I thought you'd be flamed like a fiyah.
She really was awesome about it. My first post could have been so much more civil about the whole deal.
Actually, I am very pro-trio. However, for the context of that story, I felt that Hermione suddenly realizing OMG I've known Harry as long as Ron but I suddenly want to have wild passionate monkeysex w/him just wasn't believable. BUT... I'd like to think that I left it open for them to develop a physical relationship.
I read the story in question minutes after it was posted and I came very close to hitting the back button because of the characterization of Hermione. The next day I sat down and started to right a fic to finish a series that I had been working on. It's H/R and it's called Hermione is always right. *wink*
I'm not surprised this problem hasn't gone away. I think misogyny is part of the equation, but as you point out, people will demonize a male character to get their het couple together, so I don't think it's the whole story. I think it's deeper than that.
I think people prefer to think in simple binaries. "If I love X, I must hate Y." "If X is wonderful, Y must suck." "If X doesn't want to be with Y, but would rather be with Z, then Y must naturally go into a psychotic rage and do everything possible to destroy X and Z's relationship." (For further detail on that, visit Due South's Ray Wars.)
It's crazy troll logic, that's for sure. But it seems to fit happily in the average fangirl's comfort zone. I've never really grokked it, myself.
I remember saying a while back that the first Batslasher who demonized Barbara got my six 6 1/2 boot in their ass. I've been pretty pleased with how SGA slash has handled the women characters, although I suspect that's largely because really, no one's being pushed as a seriously love interest for anyone (which is my favorite setting for almost any source - I prefer to get my romance from fan fiction, which is weird). The discussion, not so much, and there's some stuff there that makes me deeply uncomfortable at times.
But yeah, I well remember the Carolyn-bashing in TS, the Cassandra-hate in Highlander (how dare she want revenge on Methos just because he slaughtered her village and raped her and kept her prisoner?), and so many others.
I suppose this goes back to my rant about fandom's lack of institutional memory.... Ugh, so frustrating.
In my experience, many of the people who seek out geeky passtimes and friends are deeply insecure, rejected by society, unattractive by conventional standards, or whathaveyou. I don't think improved institutional memory will solve their underlying problems or make society treat them better.
Sometimes it's just sloppy writing, and then a gentle reminder might help, but far too often, that type of fic stems from personal issues the author may not be overly aware of.
I try to give fans the benefit of the doubt about this kind of thing, and not assume it's because of those sorts of issues, but even the author of the fic I linked mentioned being burned by conventional standards of heterosexual attractiveness. And beyond making her (and other fans) aware that's bullshit, you just can't do much about that.
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rofl rofl rofl! I think I love you.
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