Musketeers fic recs pt 2

Apr 23, 2014 21:46

This post has taken me ages and is ridiculously long. However it is for a really really good reason.

More Musketeers fic recs for a few reasons:
  • the show ate my brain and continues to do so even though it’s finished (whhhhhy did filming have to start so soon? I was looking forward to not being obsessed)
  • the fic is really good
  • I told delgaserasca I’d do ( Read more... )

the musketeers, rec

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Comments 5

_la_mysterieuse April 24 2014, 13:03:31 UTC
Thanks for these, I'm looking forward to working my way through them.


hestia8 April 26 2014, 11:11:56 UTC
hope you enjoy!


fredbassett April 24 2014, 18:35:03 UTC
Thanks so much for the list, and for the rec! *bounces happily*

I managed to write 3k more in the Athos/Treville series yesterday.


hestia8 April 26 2014, 10:39:46 UTC
Originally I was going to comment and THEN rec but that sort of went out of the window, but I am going to comment eventually I swear :D

Excited to hear it! I really enjoyed those fics so looking forward to reading more \o/


fredbassett April 26 2014, 13:03:26 UTC
Thank you!

There's now a third one up called A Dangerous Day, which is set later the same day as the first one. Hopefully I'll finish the fourth quite soon.


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