Musketeers fic recs

Feb 16, 2014 22:09

So, The Musketeers (BBC version) is great. I presume you’re all watching it but if not, it’s really worth it :D. There's lots of fighting and some really, really attractive men (yes, yes, there's plenty of other things to recommend it, but I'm currently separated from my Transporter/District 13 DVDs, give me a break). There’s no new episode this ( Read more... )

fic, the musketeers, rec

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Comments 2

fififolle February 17 2014, 10:06:25 UTC
Thanks for this! I'm loving the programme, really missed it last night *g*


hestia8 February 17 2014, 18:36:26 UTC
It was so unfair!!

I hope you like the fics - I've got to go and comment on all these tonight.


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