A snow day well spent

Feb 06, 2010 16:12

So, buried in the house and unable to really get out due to massive amounts of snow on the road is bad for most people right? But see, I'm good with it. I don't leave the house so I am well prepared. I have books and movies and most importantly, the internet.

So, after calling out of work when it becomes apparent that I won't be able to get to my job today or even tomorrow (Which thankfully I won't have to work again til Tuesday anyways) I settle down to watch The Brothers Bloom. Just as the movie is starting I get a direct message from robgoodfella about needing my photoshop skills to smurf-ize @ Zombie_Joe for her. So I agreed of course, finished my movie (which was excellent) and set to work creating a few different versions and sent those off. Thus started a bit of back and forth with me finally churning out this:

Much to @ Zombie_Joe's dismay as per his reactions:

  • Oh there will be payback @ Rob_Thurman @ emmapetersen The Zombie is a-comin'... and hell's comin' with me! You hear me? Hell's comin' with me!
  • In case you were wondering, @ Rob_Thurman is just not right in the head. Just sayin'!
I of course was cracking up the entire time and was quite pleased by the whole thing. I'm sure that I will have a bunch of random bots on twitter following me soon. They always find me after I get mentioned a few times.

Bonus however is made of total awesome.. robgoodfella  is writing me into book six in order to have a little cameo before having Cal kill me off. I got to pick my weapon of choice so I went with the Desert Eagle as it's badass. Don't get me wrong, a Glock is awesome but hell, given the choice in being shot or being shot into little bits, I'll take the latter.

Damn this is awesome. Seriously, to think I was first introduced to this whole thing by a chance purchase of a book on a quick stop to a bookstore bathroom.

snow, rob thurman, cal leandros, books, photoshop

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