NYC and Muse at the VMAs

Sep 14, 2009 14:29

So now that I am functional again after the events of yesterday and I have watched the entire VMAs that were so kindly recorded for me, I can blog about my trip into NYC to see Muse perform at the MTV VMAs. (and hopefully my post will not get eaten again when my browser flips out)

8am. Tossed out of bed by slippery satin sheets that seemed like a good idea at the time. Landed on my elbow. Ouch. Frozen vegtables FTW. And then on with gathering everything I needed for the trip, maps, tickets, confirmations and such. Gassed up the car and took off to the wilds of NYC!

Made it there farily quickly until both me and Jay were distracted by the Statue Of Liberty and thought we missed our exit for the Lincoln Tunnel. Turns out we didn't we just got off to soon and took a detour through Jersey City but we eventually found our way and found the tunnel! Yay!

Found the parking garage quickly and it seemed that Jay wanted to wander, meanwhile I just wanted out of that building, I was shaking like a leaf by the time we got out to the street. I really hate parking garages. Now, since we arrived at about noon it was time to find us some food. Gyros to be specific.

First place we found was blocked off by a police line as half the city was hosting one event or another, MTV, Broadway, Mecedes Benz Fashion Week, etc. Decided to try heading towards the park and see if we could find a place along the way.

I happened to spot the M&M's store and decided to detour and check it out. Off in the distance I spotted something though. The Walter Kerr Theatre! Where Muse was set to perform! I dashed over to take a few photos, noticed that there was no line yet as it ws still only 12:30ish. So, we wandered through Times Square a bit before heading off to Central Park.

Encountered one of Jay's old friends in amongst the crowds of bicycle tour guys and I admired Columbus Circle while they chatted before we wandered off to enjoy the smell of horse manure in Central Park. Seriously, the whole place smells of it.

Made a pitstop at the restrooms and when I popped back out, Jay was sitting on one of the huge rocks that are all over the park. Joined him for a bit before wandering over to the Wollman Rink and got a few pictures over there. Decided that it was time to exit and find food as the park had no places to buy a gyro. Only ice cream, hot dogs and pretzels. Stopped by the Pond and got a few photos there too.

Decided that we should call Nunzio to direct us to a gyro stand and found out that they aren't allowed on 5th Ave, where we happened to be walking. Had to had over towards Broadway, passing Rockafeller Center as we went and again marveled over how small it really is. Passed Radio City Music Hall where the main part of the VMAs was going to be held, decided to avoid the madness however and keep going.

Discovered that my detour before to the M&M's store had made us miss four gyro stands by a block. By now it was 2:30 and I was starving so whatever, lets just eat and go! Finished up quickly enough and thought we would have enough time to maybe stop by the Sanrio store and the NYC Public Library. Passed the M&M store on the way an looked over and saw to my horror that a huge line was already forming over for Muse. Sorry Hello Kitty, I will see you another time!

3pm and in line with about 70 other people, crammed under this underpass of a garage and hotel right next to the theatre. Check in wasn't supposed to begin until 7 and they werent going to let us in until 8 so it was time to settle in for a long wait. Amused ourselves by looking at the people who didn't follow the dress code. One kid it seemed was looking to break all the rules. White shirt with a huge logo, wearing a baseball hat and a huge backpack and had a camera around his neck. He was eventually evicted from the line two hours later. Chatted with some cool people in line behind us the entire time.

I started feeling ill around 5 as the 1iota crew started cramming us closer together as they realized the line was stretching around to 49th and 7th! It was horribly hot and there was no breeze, I had to keep getting out of the line where Jay was to go find cooler air near the entrance of the theatre. Heat exaustion really sucks.

Around 7 they finally started going through the line and giving wristbands. About this time some people snuck into the line and tried to play it off like they had been there the whole time. Nope. They tried getting in front of us and eventually started getting shoved further and further back though they did get in from what I know.

8pm rolls around and the line is starting to go wild with the occasional clapping and chanting breaking out. WE WANT IN. Seriously, it was fucking hot. 90 degrees or more in the passageway with all those people. They started letting us in by clustering us together and scribbling on your wristbands, counting us off and herding us to our seats.

I ended up in the fifth row, seat 111. And let me tell you, that theatre is TINY. it only seats 975 people max but they had to make room for the camera crews so there were only 500 seats for fans. We finally got soft seats and air conditioning and it was good. Right up until when Muse was about to go one when the a/c broke.

Meanwhile this entire time I have been trying to guzzle as much water as I can get and not throw up on the guy in front of me. We get our instructions on cheering, get the sound levels set, and scared to death now of even thinking about taking out our cellphones lest we be evicted. At once point they told us to turn them off completely cause the signals were messing up their equipment. I have never seen that many phones whipped out and turned off so fast.

Muse eventually get on stage and I am again struck with how close to the stage I am as I am within hitting distance of Matt, Dominic and Chris. Amazed.

They played nine songs before having us all sit down again while they reset for the live broadcast, planning on only showing one song during the VMAs. Everyone was drenched in sweat, stinking and making the whole place smell like alcohol. Quite a few people had been drinking while waiting in line and were now sweating it all out. But everyone was sweaty and stinky and we didn't care. It was 120 degrees and we were just happy to be there.

They came back on stage for an absolutely amazing performance of Uprising. The MTV broadcast seems so mild compared to how it actually was from the crowd. It was insanity. After that they played three more songs and we closed the night out wth an awesome chant of 'MUSE!' and 'ONE MORE SONG! but alas, no encore. We were ushered outside quickly to where we could cool off and then head home. Amsolutely amazing night.

As far as the setlist goes, first up was Unnatural Selection, which maybe half the audience knew. Map Of The Problematique was played after that was was absolutely amazing. Everyone went WILD when they started Hysteria which of course makes sense. When they started playing Resistance it was clear that people were confused but were happy enough to still rock out. Even less of the audience knew the lyrics but you could hear a few people singing along. (Me included) New Born was met with a roar of cheers and screaming. We knew that it was going to be something special when Matt took a seat at the piano for United States of Eurasia, it was beautiful and moving and awe inspiring. To see that many people chanting 'Eura-SIA!' and shaking their fists was just.. wow. Starlight followed that and people went wild again. Apparently another favorite. Undisclosed Desires threw alot of people again aside from the few who knew the lyrics. Time Is Running Out was met with another roar before the band left and the stage was reset. Uprising was.. it was really amazing again, it was like United States Of Eurasia, so many people joining in and chanting with it. And then for the MTV young crowd 'plants' they played Supermassive Black Hole. Plug In Baby was played and I must say, it is amazing live, what Matt can do to a guitar is just.. wow. And then the crowd went quiet as Chris broke out the harmonica and played the extended opening to Knights Of Cydonia. The second the more recognizable guitar parts came in the crowd went absolutely insane!

I just wish i could remember where exactly Interlude and Guitar Riff were played but they were and people LOVED it. An amazing night, I would so Love to see them again as the stage show was just.. wow. There was promise of the entire event being recorded and I am sure they will be putting out a DVD or playing it on TV sometime. I will so own it.

vma's, nyc, muse

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