Morning After (Peter/Mohinder/Sylar)

Aug 08, 2007 09:50

Peter woke as a particularly persistent ray of sunlight fall across his face, courtesy of the morning sun streaming through the blinds of Mohinder’s bedroom. He squinted raising a hand to block out the light and in the process he discovered he was still entangled in a pile of limbs. More limbs than belonged to him. Or Mohinder.

Sylar. Last night was, well, it was amazing last night. It was certainly not anything he had been expecting. Certainly he had daydreamed a few times about Mohinder and that dazzling smile. But Sylar was another story. Peter had known that the geneticist and former serial killer had come to see eye to eye over the past few years, and certainly the man had shown a surprising change since three years prior. The man still radiated with a cold aura however, something that had always set Peter slightly on edge. If Mohinder hadn’t tied him to the headboard last night, things could have gone very differently. But somehow, handing the control over to someone else had been quite enjoyable.

Peter unconsciously rubbed at his wrists where the fabric of the scarf had dug into his skin, abrasions that were minor, but nonetheless mildly annoying. The head currently using his chest as a pillow stirred, dark curls catching the morning light and giving the Indian a fuzzy sort of halo.

“Mmm.. morning..” Mohinder yawned sleepily as he attempted to stretch awkward seeing as he was half laying on Peter, and Sylar was still curled cat-like around him. Mohinder blinked a few times before glancing first at Sylar and then up at Peter. Peter didn’t even have to hear Mohinder speak or listen to his thoughts, he knew right away what the other man was about to ask.

“I’m not sure how I feel about this just yet.. let me process.” Peter said just as Mohinder opened his mouth to ask. A brief flicker of something passed over his features which prompted Peter to reach for Mohinder’s hand, twining their fingers together as they laid there in silence, both lost in thoughts while Sylar slept on peacefully.

“He looks different.” Peter said softly after a minute. Mohinder shifted to look at Sylar, the main object of Peter’s thoughts. “He’s not the same person he used to be is he?” Peter continued. “I mean, of course he isn’t, we’ve all seen that, but this..” Peter turned his gaze to Mohinder again.

“He’s changed more than anyone thought he could. More than even I thought.” Mohinder said softly. “Peter, listen.. if last night-“

“That wasn’t something new for you.” Peter said, a statement instead of a question. “I mean, you two.” Mohinder nodded.

“No, it wasn’t anything new. Well, no, it was, I’ve never had anything quite like last night. But myself and him?” Mohinder replied further.

“So I take it you two aren’t mutually exclusive then. Or was this something the two of you planned?” Peter asked and Sylar began to stir. Both Peter and Mohinder froze as they watched the other man shift to a more comfortable position and tug at a blanket that was half trapped beneath them before he settled again, breathing quiet and smooth. Mohinder looked back to Peter.

“No, it wasn’t something planned. I was expecting that as much as you were actually, but it wasn’t unwelcome either.” Mohinder spoke, eyes searching Peter’s face. A brush of Mohinder’s thumb over the palm of his hand made Peter realize he had forgotten they were still holding hands, fingers locked.

“The both of you are very vocal in the morning aren’t you?” The suddenness of the voice caused both Mohinder and Peter to start, pulling away from each other like two teenagers caught in a compromising position. The effect of that when the three of them were entangled in a bed built to hold only two was comical, nearly knocking Sylar to the floor.

“Right then, I’ll let the two of you have simulating conversation agonizing over the nature of what will come when the solution is actually staring you both right in the face. I’m going to take a shower.” Sylar groused, running a hand through sleep-mussed hair as he extracted himself from the bed, uncaring of his nudity as he staggered sleepily off to the bathroom. Both Peter and Mohinder stared after him for a moment, while Sylar muttered something about the two of them being like a pair of twittering birds. Peter sighed and ran a hand through his hair, shifting to sit up fully on the bed while he tugged the blanket to cover himself.

“I’m just going to just go with the flow on this I guess…” Peter sighed. A smile lit up Mohinder’s face; that was as close as he could ask for from Peter at the moment. Peter smiled in return. Really, how often did someone get invited over for a dinner and end up in bed with two sexy men?

“So, would you care to join me in the shower? After last night I’m in need of one, as I’m sure you are too.” Mohinder grinned as he climbed his way over Peter, pausing as he straddled his lap, giving a suggestive smile before slipping from the bed, blanket wrapped loosely about his middle.

“Sylar’s already in the shower.” Peter said. He could hear the water running in the bathroom even from here. Mohinder grabbed Peter’s wrist and pulled him up, the younger man, fumbling for a sheet, a pillow, anything to hide his modestly.

“I know, let’s join him.”

“You know, I think Sylar is rubbing off on you Dr. Suresh, you have a distinctly evil streak in you I’m beginning to see.” Mohinder laughed at the remark as he headed off on the direction of the bathroom, Peter being dragged after him, though not unwillingly. The two of them slipped as silently into the bathroom as they could, Peter wondering if it was even possible to sneak up on Sylar anymore, what with his hearing and all.

“Well, don’t just stand out there all day, get in here before the water get’s cold.” Apparently they had been caught. Sylar’s face peaked out at them from behind the shower curtain. Mohinder had no reservations about joining the former killer in the shower, but Peter needed more coaxing. Sylar held out his hand, smiling at the empath. “I won’t bite, I promise. That is, unless you want me to?”

Please say yes, please say yes. Don’t let him freak out, please say yes.

Peter blinked at that, the thought clearly coming from Sylar. Still a bit uncertain, Peter took the offered hand, letting himself be pulled into the shower by a grinning Sylar. Mohinder was standing as far forward as he could in the shower, directly beneath the spray of the water that was flattening his hair down. Sylar’s hair was already wet, droplets of water running down his face catching Peter’s attention as he watched with curiosity. The two of them had been polite in the past, but nothing beyond that, and never for a very long period of time. It was as if they had formed an unspoken truce by avoiding each other usually. And now Peter was caught in this situation, unsure of how to act or react around someone he honestly barely knew.

“Are you going to stand there all day Peter?” Sylar jibed as he maneuvered the slightly shorter man forward, into the spray of the shower. He picked up the shampoo and began to gently work it into Peter’s hair. It was something so normal and yet so strange at the same time. The touch was relaxing however, and it wasn’t long before Peter had relaxed completely and Sylar had rinsed the shampoo from him, hands trailing over shoulders and down to hips, a more intimate gesture as he trailed kisses along the line of Peter’s neck, Mohinder mimicking the gestures on Sylar. Hands reached up to cup the sides of Peter’s face, Sylar bending in slowly to kiss him, giving him enough time to pull away if he didn’t want it. Instead, Peter leaned into the kiss, arms wrapping around the taller man, the both of them slipping together like pieces of a puzzle. Hands roamed as Peter took control of the kiss, the sweetness moving into something more brutal as they parted lips, Peter nibbling and biting at Sylar, both of their breathing heavy.

Mohinder pressed against Sylar’s back, biting and sucking at his neck, causing him to cry out, the most vocal he’s been yet. Even the night before Sylar hadn’t moaned, but now, with both Peter and Mohinder concentrating their efforts on him, even the normally controlled man couldn’t last forever.

As the water in the shower cooled, the three of them moved to the bathroom floor, towels scattered on the floor almost as an after thought. Peter traded places with Mohinder, teasing Sylar’s entrance with his fingers while Mohinder ran his hands down over Sylar’s chest, his stomach, over his thighs, everywhere except the one place he wanted to be touched most.

“Please!” He was begging now, Peter having found some oil in the bathroom cabinet, teasing at the other man’s entrance, fingers brushing feather-light, leaving trails of the slick oil behind. Peter didn’t reply, instead he crushed Sylar between himself and Mohinder while they kissed, seeming to ignore him completely. Sylar could only plead as Mohinder had both of his wrists caught in a firm grip. Peter broke the kiss, returning his attention back to Sylar, nipping at the sensitive spot just below his ear, making him gasp out. Mohinder in turn released him and it was like unleashing a flood of pent up energy. With a growl, Sylar pounced on the Indian, the frantic need that was apparent in him last night had returned with a vengeance. He barely even bothered with the oil that Peter offered him before ravishing Mohinder while Peter stopped his teasing, instead moving on to stretch Sylar open, getting him ready.

“Peter.. Please..” It was the most vocal he’d been so far and Peter had to reward that. He liked it when his lover’s were vocal about what they wanted.

“Please what? You won’t get anything you want unless you ask for it.” Peter whispered into Sylar’s ear. His response was a whimper at first.

“Please, Peter.. I want you. Please..”

“Please what?” Peter waited, poised and ready.

“Fuck me! God, Peter, fuck me!” Sylar yelled, his desperation causing him to thrust Mohinder even more forcefully into the floor.

“Your wish is my command.” Peter acquiesced finally as he buried himself into Sylar fully who keened in a mixture of pleasure and pain. The three of them didn’t move for a moment as Sylar adjusted to the odd sensation of filling and being filled at the same time. It was he who moved first, sliding back slightly on Peter’s length before shifting forward again to fill Mohinder. Peter thought that it must have been the most overwhelming sensation in the world, to be in that position, his fingers played over Sylar’s chest, nails grazing lightly, causing the other man to hiss.

A rhythm was slowly built up, the three men moving together on the floor in a tangle of limbs. Mohinder whimpered as he pressed back into Sylar, twisting his body as he wrapped an arm around the former killer’s neck in order to get more leverage, pulling him closer to kiss him as Peter set the pace of their thrusts this time around, slow and smooth, building to a more climactic pace. A muffled moan came from Sylar and Peter could feel the spasm of muscles surrounding his erection clamping down, the only signal of the other man’s orgasm. It pulled Peter over the edge, stars bursting in his vision as he squeezed his eyes shut, Mohinder’s gasps the only sound filling the room.

The three of them held like that for a moment, tired, sweaty and sated. Sylar grunted as he extracted himself from the tangle first, but not before kissing both Peter and Mohinder soundly. He cleaned himself up while both of them watched and caught their breath.

“I’ll go make breakfast then if you two want some alone time. Or you can clean up and join me?” Sylar said with a coy smile spreading across his face. “Pancakes sound good?”

peter/mohinder/sylar, slash, heroes

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