Photoshop Minion is busy at work!

Feb 10, 2011 22:13

Right right! So busy day today and yesterday.. yesterday was a writing and photoshop fest. I'd been meaning on working on a Doctor Who/Sherlock photoshop for ages now and finally got around to it. Mostly through the prodding of robgoodfella on my Facebook account.

So then.. here's the results of that for those who don't already stalk my twitter.

This was mostly because of the comment that Rob made about Doctor Watson and Sherlock. And The Doctor and his companions. I can't recall the exact conversation right now, but no matter. I'm proud of how this one turned out.

And then the second one was the cover of Blackout with Cal pulling a fork instead of his gun. This apparently makes sense when you read the book, I've yet to read so I have no idea.

So yep. That's how yesterday was spent. There was also the dramafest but not going into that right now.

This morning I had to deal with a flurry of emails, some I still have yet to answer as i was in a huge rush and I've not had respite from work between 10am and now. At like.. 10pm.  But I was speaking with Rob and I've got some work to do for her as far as badges for Dragon*Con. And she tried to slip this one past me.. I get killed off in Basilisk as well! Cause it's a different universe, thus I can die in that series too.

I should toddle off now cause busy woman I am still has loads to do before sleep time.

doctor who, rob thurman, photoshop, sherlock

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