Philly Trip, Feb 6th

Feb 06, 2011 22:18

So yeah.. i like to take trips to Philly a lot. And well, I had off today which is rare so me and Jay headed into our favorite city for some fun.

The album of the day, as I've got lots of fun facts on there for all the stuff I saw.

Being Super Bowl Sunday didn't really matter to us as we aren't sports fans. And it wasn't the Jets playing so Philly was fairly quiet. Being Sunday however was kind of lame as we got there early and nothing was open. So we wanders about in the cold for a bit before heading over to Chinatown where we chanced upon the Chinese New Years festivities! I got caught up in the blast of fireworks which was really cool, but like a dumbass, I held my camera the wrong way, so the video is sideways. Just tilt your head or something.

After that we headed over to Christie and Arnab's place to go out to lunch at the buffet around the corner from then, on 69th Street. They live on the edge of Upper Darby, right along West Philly. So you kind of have to go through the ghetto to get to their place. Eh.. whatev.

After a very very filling meal and lots of laughter we went back to their place again and Jay took Arnab to work while I worked on fixing Christie's computer, getting rid of a ton of spyware and viruses. Once Jay got back we headed off to Fat Jack's Comicrypt do I could feed my dice addiction. They have three kitties wandering the store there which is not unusual for Philly to have a cat or two in a shop. (cats are great at keeping places pest free. In a city like Philly, pests are a given) They are friendly animals and i was stalked by a tabby for a bit and the calico wandered into one of the display cases while I was digging in the dice bin. Jay took pictures.

After that it was off to South Street. No trip is complete without South Street. We had planned on getting dinner at Johnny Rockets but we were still so full from lunch we just got milkshakes. $5 milkshakes are the best! We also stopped into Atomic City Comics as I found some Kirk cologne that I laughed over. Also stopped in at the Condom Kingdom but not much changes there ever.

Alas, it was time to head home. Jay drove us out to the Barnes and Noble just before Olga's Diner, which has been shut down now for years, sadly. And the circle there is no more, they've changed the traffic pattern to an overpass and it's a confusing mess.. the circle was much easier!

Barnes and Noble though has some history. I always would stop there as it is the last really clean bathroom before really getting onto Route 70 and the trip home. And it's a bookstore. Honestly now, don't you know me enough to know I can't resist the siren song of pulp? But this particular place was where I first changed upon a book called Nightlife by Rob Thurman. And fell in love. Coming March 1st, you can read about my death at the hands of the main character of my favorite series, in the sixth installment!

Back on the road, i took over driving because Jay was feeling a little off now and I'm less likely to get pulled over. Jay has a habit of getting a ticket every time he goes out to Philly. Usually on the way home. We discovered that the Super Bowl had a great side effect.. virtually no traffic on the roads! So it was smooth sailing all the way home, listening to my serial killers fanmix the whole way back.

OH man.. so I totally forgot this! I was forwarded a link about saving the home of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle this morning and I sent the link off to Rob Thurman, knowing she would RT it and pass it along via twitter, Sherlock fan that she is. But I was saying to Jay that the link really needs to be picked up by someone like Neil Gaiman because well.. he's got lots of influence on twitter. And then I forgot about it until my phone started blasting through mentions at me. Neil Gaiman retweeted the link and left my username in there, thus everyone was retweeting it and mentioning me over and over again. So yay! More news on saving Undershaw. More notice is good! (also, it's cool that Neil Gaiman retweeted me)

cats, sir arthur conan doyle, twitter, undershaw, philadelipha, neil gaiman, books, chinese new year, sherlock

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