Massive Musical Post

Mar 18, 2010 01:23

Going through some old photos and realized I've got stuff I've never talked about on here or anywhere as far as gigs go. Shame! So here's a quick rundown of a few favorite pictures and notes on various concerts:

Gin Blossoms
May 21st, 2008
Jenks Club

Hada  good time with this show, some old favorites were played and it was a good night out with some free tickets a friend had gotten their hands on. The band did mingle a little with the crowd as there wasn't much stage, Jenks is really just a bar afterall. On the way out however we spotted Scott Johnson, the guitarist and got his attention to chat for a bit and get a photo.

(I was so not dressed my best. But I love the creepers in the background checking out the camera!)

Also nabbed an autograph while we were there.

November 30th, 2006
Starland Ballroom

This was an excellent show at Starland, my favorite venue. Well, aside from a poor opening band and two really annoying drunk girls. Free show as I'd won tickets from the local radio station. Managed to nab a guitar pic from Nic Cester as well and some of my best photos from Starland via my smuggled camera. The absolute best of the evening was from Jay however when I handed the camera to him since I had my hands full of Nic's legs. This was the first show at Starland where I was not positioned directly at the bar right at the tiny pit in front of the stage, we arrived too late and there was already people there, but this was good as the big burly guy was able to hold Nic on his shoulders during part of the performance with a little help from me to keep them from getting knocked over. Hence the leg grabbing. Also, this was the only time (in an even I've attended) the band brought in it's own light kit instead of using Starland's boring setup. Horray!

One of the best shots I got during the night. I kept missing the shots of Nic standing on Chris' drums and I was in a bad spot to get other pictures well.

Jay's shot of Nic while I was otherwise busy

Nada Surf
November 27th, 2006
Hiro Ballroom

Free show again. This time it was a contest and a battle of texting skills of sorts, had to be quick to get the code in for a chance at winning tickets and then it was luck of the draw after that. Hiro Ballroom is another small venue and after this show was added to a list of my favorites. Stage had no barrier around it which is both good and bad. Good, close to band. Bad, shoved against the monitors and yelled at by security. Also bad, close to band, got whacked by the bridge of Matt's guitar accidentally. Only a little bruise, Matt was sorry though. Ended up in some the photos on the bands website as I was that close to the stage.

Hard to tell at this angle but I am standing directly in front of Matt despite the fact I'm at the far right in the picture. You can see how small Hiro Ballroom is though.

Matthew Caws. This is the guitar that whacked me.

Daniel Lorca looks so calm in this shot but he moves fast when you're trying to take a photo! Gold glitter bass guitar ftw!

Nada Surf
June 6th, 2006
Starland Ballroom

Aside from being my birthday, this was an awesome show as I had again won free tickets. Well, as I found out, the only way to get in was to win tickets. Kudos to me. Smuggled in the camera only to have it die on me immediately and was stuck using my crappy cell phone. Did I mention at the time I had a Nokia 3200? Yeah. Photos, not so good. But I got photos and had a blast and nabbed a drumstick from Arthur Kremer.

Shawn Christensen, lead singer and blurry subject of my cell phone camera. Micheal Jurin is seen in the corner crouched down as if he can sense the bad photography!

Amanda Tannen. Bass guitar Goddess. I spent way to much time staring at her.

Matthew Caws with Ira Elliot hiding behind the drums. Daniel Lorca kept bouncing around the stage too much for me to get a picture

starland ballroom, stellastarr*, jenks club, nada surf, jet, gin blossoms, hiro ballroom, bands

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