THE CHAUTAUQUA INSTITUTION, WEEK 6, (July 27 - August 4, 2018)
This English-German-Picture report was prepared by Mark Alan Pollock, Secretary of the Johnson City German Club, founded in November 2013, meets every Thursday (10 a.m.-Noon) in the Johnson City Senior Center (JCSC) at the Memorial Park Community Center (MPCC), 510 Bert Street, Johnson City, TN 37601, (423) 434-6237, BLOG: (7516, 7517, 7518, 7520 by Mark Pollock, distance 450 miles, 6:57 a.m., 9:06 a.m., 12:27 p.m., 3:34 p.m., July 27, 2018)
The car is fully packed and ready to travel. At Exit 60 along I-81 are the McDONALDS restaurant and the SHELL gas station. This rest area is in the state of WEST VIRGINIA. At 3:34 p.m., we finally arrived at the Pittsburgh-Bridgeville HAMPTON INN hotel at Exit 54 along I-79.
Das Auto ist voll gepackt und bereit zu fahren. An der Ausfahrt 60 entlang I-81 sind das Restaurant McDONALDS und die Tankstelle SHELL. Dieser Rastplatz ist im Staat WEST VIRGINIA. Um 15 Uhr 34 sind wir am Hotel HAMPTON INN Pittsburgh-Bridgeville an der Ausfahrt 54 entlang I-79 endlich angekommen.
(7521, 7522, 7523, & 7528 by Mark Pollock, 5:10 p.m., 5:11 p.m., 5:12 p.m., & 6:15 p.m., July 27, 2018)
We returned to the Asian restaurant NEW DRAGON EXPRESS for supper. The visiting card shows: NEW DRAGON - CHINESE, THAI, SUSHI BAR, 3109 Washington Pike., No. 104, Bridgeville, PA 15017, Tel: 412.221.7722, Fax: 412.221.1229, Jeanie had to wait and drink tea because I had to take a few pictures. After supper, I filled up the car with GET GO gasoline.
Kamen wir ins asiatische Restaurant NEW DRAGON EXPRESS zum Abendessen wieder. Die Visitenkarte zeigt: NEW DRAGON - CHINESE, THAI, SUSHI BAR, 3109 Washington Pike. No. 104, Bridgeville, PA 15017, Tel: 412.221.7722, Fax: 412.221.1229, Jeanie musste abwarten und Tee trinken, weil ich ein paar Aufnahmen machen musste. Nach dem Abendessen tankte ich das Auto mit Benzin GET GO voll.
(7489, 7529, 7536, & 7538 by Mark Pollock, July 28, 2018)
Last week we saw the movie MARSHALL. This week, Jeanie is reading to me the book DEVIL IN THE GROVE in the car. At 11:40 a.m. we arrived at the parking area of the WELCOME CENTER. At 12 o’clock, I parked the car. We went strolling on foot and with Jeanie’s scooter.
Letze Woche haben wir den Film MARSHALL angesehen. Diese Woche liest Jeanie mir das Buch DEVIL IN THE GROVE im Auto. Um 11 Uhr 40 sind wir im Parkplatz des WELCOME CENTER gekommen. Um 12 Uhr parkte ich das Auto. Wir gingen zu Fuß und mit Jeanies Motorroller spazieren.
(7539, 7540, 7541, by Mark Pollock, July 28, 2018)
ENJOY FACTORY DIRECT PRICES PLUS A SPECIAL HOROWITZ PIANO PRESENTATION, Saturday, July 28, 1-4 PM, Sherwood Recital Hall - Come see and hear Vladamir Horowitz’ piano and a presentation on the life of the great pianist, Vladamir Horowitz.
(7542, 7543, 7544, by Mark Pollock, July 28, 2018)
Jim Hoover told us very interesting stories about STEINWAY & SONS. Peter F. Wagner played for us the SPIRIO piano by STEINWAY & SONS. This piano is completely automatic and plays all types of music.
Jim Hoover erzählte uns sehr interessante Geschichten über STEINWAY & SONS.
Peter F. Wagner spielte für uns den Flügel SPIRIO von STEINWAY & SONS. Dieser Flügel ist ganz automatisch und spielt alle Sorten Musik
(7554, 7555, by Mark Pollock, July 28, 2018)
I was indeed surprised when Jim Hoover gave me the book PEOPLE AND PIANOS: A Pictorial History of Steinway & Sons by Theodore E. Steinway (c.1953, 1961, 2005). Two excerpts from this book are:
Doch war ich sehr überrascht als Jim Hoover mir das Buch PEOPLE AND PIANOS: A Pictorial History of Steinway & Sons von Theodore E. Steinway (c.1953, 1961, 2005) gegeben. Zwei Auszüge von diesem Buch sind:
Who knows his trade is a journeyman; _______ Geselle ist, wer was kann;
A master is he that invents the plan; _________ Meister ist, wer was ersann;
An apprentice, each and every man. _________ Lehrling ist jedermann.
“Whatever you have, bequeathed to you by your forebears,
Earn it - in order to possess it …” ⇐ by GOETHE
„Was du ererbst von deinen Vätern hast,
Erwirb es um es zu besitzen“! ⇐ von GOETHE
(7029, 7553, by Mark Pollock, July 28, 2018)
CHAUTAUQUA CHAMBER MUSIC: RESIDENT ARTIST SERIES, Saturday, July 28, 2018, 4:00 p.m., Elizabeth S. Lenna Hall,
NAKAMATSU AND FRIENDS: A CHAUTAUQUA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA COLLABORATION, Jon Nakamatsu, piano; Vahn Armstrong, violin; Eva Stern, viola; Jolyon Pegis, cello.
Muzio Clementi (1752-1832), Piano Sonata in F-sharp minor, op.25, no.5 (1790)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791), Piano Quartet in E-flat major, K. 493 (1786)
Gabriel Fauré (1845-1924), Piano Quartet No.1 in C minor, op.15 (1876-79; 1883)
(7547, 7548 & 7550, 7551, 7552 by Mark Pollock, 6:24 pm & 8:15 pm, July 28, 2018)
Today was HARRY POTTER DAY at the CHAUTAUQUA INSTITUTION. Next to the BRICK WALK Café was a food stand with food and drink. After supper we saw the film and listened to the concert by the CHAUTAUQUA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA (CSO). The film had the sound without the music and subtitles.
Heute war der Tag HARRY POTTER am CHAUTAUQUA INSTITUTION. Neben dem Café BRICK WALK war ein Imbissstand mit Essen und Trinken. Nach dem Abendessen haben wir den Film und das Konzert CHAUTAUQUA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA (CSO) angesehen und angehört. Der Film hat den ohne die Musik Ton und die Untertitel.
(7556, 7557 & 7559, 7561 by Mark Pollock, 6:24 pm & 8:15 pm, July 29, 2018)
10:45 a.m., SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP, V. Gene Robinson, presider, Akash “Skye” Jethani, preacher, Barbara Brady, reader, The Chautauqua Choir, Ken Medema, guest musician, Jared Jacobsen, director & organist, READING - Matthew 26: 47-56, SERMON - “BUT NOW I SEE”
12:00 noon, SPECIAL STUDIES MEET AND GREET, outside Hultquist Center
Course No. 2726, CLASSIC MOVIE CLASSICS, Phillip Barnes, (9:00-10:00 a.m.), MTWRF, Hultquist Room No. 101, $75/person (Jeanie and I pre-registered.)
William Chamberlain, (4:00-5:00 p.m.), MTWRF, Turner Room 210, $75/person
2:30 p.m., CHAUTAUQUA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA (CSO), SPECIAL INTER-ARTS MATINEE, Chautauqua Opera Company, Chautauqua Theater Company, School of Dance, Music School Festival Orchestra Brass Musicians, Chautauqua Voice Program Singers, VISUAL ART = EQUALITY by Don Kimes, Artistic Director, Visual Arts at Chautauqua Institution (VACI), 1986-2018, Acrylic, Oil and Charcoal (1986/87 & 2017/2018), & Deborah Sunya Moore, Producer, VP of Performing and Visual Arts.
(7562, 7563 & 7565 by Mark Pollock, 8:00 pm, July 29, 2018)
8:00 p.m., SACRED SONG SERVICE, Hearts Touched by Hymns: Storytelling with Ken Medema, V. Gene Robinson, presider, The Chautauqua Choir, Jared Jacobsen, director
(7604, 7566, 7567, 7569 by Mark Pollock, 8:15, 8:53, & 10:45 a.m., July 30, 2018)
Every morning one should buy the newspaper THE CHAUTAUQUAN DAILY. The daily paper cost only $0.75. On Saturday it costs $1.50 because it is for Saturday and Sunday together.
Jeden Morgen soll man die Zeitung THE CHAUTAUQUAN DAILY kaufen. Die tägliche Zeitung kostet nur $0,75. Am Sonnabend kostet sie $1,50 weil sie für Samstag und Sonntag zusammen ist.
From a quarter till 12:00 noon to a quarter after 1:00 p.m., one can go to the HURLBUT church daily for lunch. The sign shows today’s menu. The food is very nourishing and reasonably priced. The social company is priceless!
Von viertel vor 12 bis viertel nach 13 kann man täglich bei der Kirche HURLBUT zum Mittagessen gehen. Das Schild zeigt die heutige Speisekarte. Das Essen ist sehr nahrhaft und preiswert. Die Gesellschaft ist unschätzbar!
At 8:53 a.m. the teacher, Phillip Barnes greeted the students before the first class of CLASSIC MOVIE CLASSICS. An acquaintance is reading this book. I have not read it yet.
Um 8 Uhr 53 grüßte Lehrer Phillip Barnes die Studenten bevor die erste Klasse CLASSIC MOVIE CLASSICS. Ein Bekannter liest das Buch. Es habe ich noch nicht gelesen.
(7615, 7605, 7568, 7570, 7571, 7572, 7573 by Mark Pollock, July 30, 2018)
10:45 a.m. LECTURE, Arun Sundararajan, author, The Sharing Economy, Amphitheater
(7574, 7610, 7580, 7607 by Mark Pollock, July 30, 2018)
12:30 p.m., LINCOLN APPLIED ETHICS SERIES, “(When) Will a Robot Steal Your Job?,” Gary Marchant, Regent’s Professor; Lincoln Professor of Emerging Technologies, Law & Ethics; faculty director, Center for Law, Science and Innovation, Arizona State University, Hall of Philosophy
2:00 p.m., INTERFAITH LECTURE SERIES, “The Spirituality of Relationship: A New Paradigm for Work,” Joan Chittister, OSB, best-selling author and columnist, National Catholic Reporter, Hall of Philosophy
(7587, 7589, 7593, 7608 by Mark Pollock, July 30, 2018)
4:00 p.m., CHAUTAUQUA CHAMBER MUSIC: GUEST ARTIST SERIES, Sō Percussion, Eric Cha-Beach, Josh Quillen, Adam Sliwinski, Jason Treuting, in Elizabeth S. Lenna Hall
Donnacha Dennehy (b.1970) ______ Broken Unison (2017), 20 minutes
Caroline Shaw (b.1982) __________ Taxidermy (2012), 10 minutes
Vijay Iyer (b.1971) ______________ TORQUE (2018), 22 minutes
(7586, 7601, 7603, 7606 by Mark Pollock, July 30, 2018)
A bicycle for more than one person is called a tandem bicycle, The coiled spring holds the fruit.
Ein Fahrrad für mehr als eine Person heißt man ein Tandem (Fahrrad), Die Spiralfeder enthält die Früchte.
8:15 p.m., SPECIAL, Capathia Jenkins: FROM BROOKLYN TO BROADWAY, Amphitheater
(7616, 7617, 7618, 7619 by Mark Pollock, July 31, 2018)
A new acquaintance said: “This book is outstanding!” Later, I will buy and read it.
Ein neuer Bekannter sagte: „Das Buch ist ausgezeichnet“! Später werde ich es kaufen und lesen.
10:45 a.m., LECTURE, Help Wanted: Higher Education that Works, Cathrael Kazin, managing partner, VOLTA LEARNING GROUP, Amphitheater.
(7620, 7623, 7633, 7676 by Mark Pollock, July 31, 2018)
2:00 p.m., INTERFAITH LECTURE SERIES, Outside the Walls of Our Perspective: How Tolerance Sets Us Free, Maggie Jackson, author, Distracted: The Erosion of Attention and the Coming Dark Age, Hall of Philosophy
3:30 p.m., CHAUTAUQUA HERITAGE LECTURE SERIES, States and the Making of American Constitutional Law: Free Speech, Free Exercise of Religion and the Compelled Flag Statute Cases, Jeffrey Sutton, judge, 6th Circuit Court of Appeals, author, 51 Imperfect Solutions, Hall of Philosophy
8:15 p.m., CHAUTAUQUA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA (CSO), Rossen Milanov, conductor, Sō Percussion, soloist, Amphitheater
man made (2013, 2017), David Lang (b.1957), Sō Percussion
Variations on an Original Theme, op.36, “Enigma” (1898-99), Edward Elgar (1857-1934)
PORTAGE PIE, 42 North Portage Street, Westfield, NY 14787, (716) 232-4036,, (August 1, 2018)
THE BROWN BAG DELICATESSEN, 898 Mohawk Street, Columbus, OH 43206, (614) 443-4214,, (August 1, 2018)
An acquaintance recommended this bakery to us. At the same time, she recommended this German delicatessen.
Eine Bekannte hat uns diese Backerei empfohlen. Gleichzeitig hat sie uns dieses deutsche Feinkostgeschäft empfohlen.
(7640, 7693, 7645, 7677 by Mark Pollock, August 1, 2018)
At 7:40 a.m. the vendors are already setting up their tents on BESTOR PLAZA.
Um 7 Uhr 40 beginnen die Verkäufer die Zelte am BESTOR PLAZA schon zu öffnen.
10:45 a.m., LECTURE, Avivah Wittenberg-Cox, chief executive officer, 20-first, Amphitheater
(7647, 7648, 7678, 7656 by Mark Pollock, August 1, 2018)
2:00 p.m., INTERFAITH LECTURE SERIES, “Seva as Sadhana: Workplace as Spiritual Development Dojo,” The Rev. John J. Scherer, author, Wiser at Work: Five Questions that Change the Way You Lead, Hall of Philosophy
Yet another acquaintance recommended this book.
Noch eine Bekannte hat uns dies Buch empfohlen.
(7657, 7650, 7651, 7652 by Mark Pollock, August 1, 2018)
3:30 p.m., SPECIAL EVENT, “A Career in Comedy: A Conversation between Alan Zweibel and Lewis Black,” Presented in partnership with NATIONAL COMEDY CENTER, Hall of Philosophy
(7649, 7658, 7659, 7679 by Mark Pollock, August 1, 2018)
7:00 p.m., PRE-PERFORMANCE LECTURE - Beverly Meer, Chautauqua Dance Circle Board, Sasha Janes, teacher, dancer, choreographer, Smith Wilkes Hall
8:15 p.m., ALUMNI DANCE GALA - An Evening of Pas de Deux Featuring Alumni Artists, Amphitheater
(7662, 7663, 7680, 7695 by Mark Pollock, August 2, 2018)
Yes, today is the celebration day of the Smith Memorial Library.
Doch ist Heute der Feiertag der Smith-Gedächtnisbibliothek.
10:45 a.m., LECTURE - “Experience on Demand: What Virtual Reality Is, How It Works, and What It Can Do,” Jeremy Bailenson, founding director, Stanford University’s Virtual Human Interaction Lab., Amphitheater
(7697, 7710, 7698, 7624, 7699 by Mark Pollock, August 2, 2018)
2:00 p.m., INTERFAITH LECTURE SERIES - “Leading a Life of Legacy: Finding Mission and Meaning in Every Moment,” Rabbi Daniel Cohen, author, What Will They Say About You When You Are Gone? Hall of Philosophy
3:30 p.m., CLSC AUTHOR PRESENTATION - Jessica Bruder, Nomadland: Surviving America in the 21st Century, Hall of Philosophy
Thursdays, one can go to the HURLBUT church for supper.
Donnertags kann man zur Kirche HURLBUT zum Abendessen gehen.
(7701, 7684, 7703, 7704 by Mark Pollock, August 2, 2018)
6:45 p.m., CHAUTAUQUA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA (CSO) Pre-Concert Lecture - David Levy, Hurlbut Sanctuary
8:15 p.m., CHAUTAUQUA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA (CSO), Rossen Milanov, conductor, Sasha Cooke, mezzo-soprano, Amphitheater
⇒ Maurice Ravel (1875-1937), Shéhérazade (1903): Asie, La flûte enchantée, L'indifférent - Sasha Cooke, mezzo-soprano
⇒ Claude Debussy (1862-1918), Prélude à l’après midi d’un faune (1891-94)
⇒ Maurice Ravel (1875-1937), Daphnis et Chloé Suite No.2 (1909-12), Lever du jour (Daybreak): Lent-, Pantomime: Lent-, Danse générale: Animé
We have also met (are acquainted with) a few CSO musicians. Peter Anderegg (the cello, the cellist), Marie Shmorhun (the cello, the cellist), Kathryn Levy (the piccolo, the piccolloist), and Pedro Fernandez (the percussion section, the percussionist). This week, we were very pleased to meet Pedro Fernandez, his father Pedro, and his mother Ilka.
Auch haben wir ein paar Musiker CSO kennengelernt. Peter Anderegg (das Cello, der Cellist), Marie Shmorhun (das Cello, die Cellistin), Kathryn Levy (die Pikkoloflöte, die Pikkoloflötistin) und Pedro Fernandez (das Schlagzeug, der Schlagzeuger). Diese Woche freute es uns sehr Pedro Fernandez, seinen Vater Pedro und seine Mutter Ilka kennenzulernen.
(7742, 7685, 7727, 7728, 7729 by Mark Pollock, August 3, 2018)
10:45 a.m. LECTURE - “From Strength to Strength,” ARTHUR C. BROOKS, president, American Enterprise Institute, Amphitheater
Mr. Brooks tells good stories. He is a very good teacher. He plays the French horn like a master (maestro).
Herr Brooks erzählt gute Geschichten. Er ist ein sehr guter Lehrer. Er spielt das Waldhorn wie ein Meister (Maestro).
(7730, 7731, 7732, 7734, 7735 by Mark Pollock, August 3, 2018)
His graphs are very educational.
Seine Schaubilder sind sehr lehrreich.
(7736, 7737, 7794, 7795 by Mark Pollock, August 3, 2018)
Aspen trees are healthy when they live together. People are healthy when they learn to live with each other. Most of the time, one can buy CD copies shortly after the lecture. In the afternoon, I bought two copies. One is for me in Johnson City, Tennessee, and one is for my siblings in Columbus, Ohio.
Die Espen sind gesund wenn sie zusammenleben. Menschen sind gesund wenn sie sich zusammenleben. Meistens kann man CD-Kopien kaufen kurz nach der Vorlesung. Am Nachmittag kaufte ich zwei Kopien. Eine ist für mich in Johnson City, Tennessee und eine ist für meine Geschwister in Columbus, Ohio.
(7743, 7686, 7744, 7687, 7691 by Mark Pollock, August 3, 2018)
2:00 p.m., INTERFAITH LECTURE SERIES - Interfaith Friday, Rabbi Asher Lopatin (Orthodox Jew), Hall of Philosophy
3:30 p.m., CHAUTAUQUA HERITAGE LECTURE SERIES - “Modern Forgeries: From Digital Plagiarism to the Phony to the Phony Kouros at the Getty,” David Kaplan, SUNY Fredonia, Hall of Christ ⇒ We did not attend. We packed for early departure in morning.
8:15 p.m., SPECIAL - THE PIANO GUYS, Amphitheater
(7746, 7747, 7748, 7749, 7752 by Mark Pollock, August 3, 2018)
The musical performance (entertainment) was outstanding! The amphitheater was packed full with about 5000 people! The images on the large screen were amazing!
Die musikalische Darbietung (Unterhaltung) war ausgezeichnet! Das Amphitheater war voll gepackt mit ungefähr 5000 Menschen! Die Bilder am großen Bildschirm waren erstaunlich!
(7758, 7759, 7761, 7762, 7763 by Mark Pollock, August 4, 2018)
(7:14 a.m., 8:36 a.m., 11:26 a.m., 11:42 a.m., 12:49 p.m.)
Zachary helped me. We made four stops. The drive was 265 miles.
Zachary hat mir geholfen. Vier Pausen haben wir gemacht. Die Fahrt war 265 Meile.
(7764-7768, by Mark Pollock, August 4, 2018)
At 1:11 p.m., we arrived safely at the HOMEWOOD SUITES by Hilton. One business card shows: “Alexandria Waters, Front Office Manager, Homewood Suites by Hilton, 115 Hutchinson Avenue, Columbus, OHIO 43235, Office (614) 785-0001, Fax (614) 785-0143, Email”. The motto is well written. The collection of the children’s books helps the children to learn quickly.
Um 13 Uhr 11 sind wir ins Hotel HOMEWOOD SUITES von Hilton gut angekommen. Eine Visitenkarte zeigt: „Alexandria Waters, Front Office Manager, Homewood Suites by Hilton, 115 Hutchinson Avenue, Columbus, OHIO 43235, Office (614) 785-0001, Fax (614) 785-0143, Email“. Das Motto ist gut geschrieben. Die Sammlung der Kinderbücher hilft den Kindern schnell zu lernen.
(7769, 7779, 7780, 7798, 7799 by Mark Pollock, August 4, 2018)
At 4:30 p.m., we visited the house of my brother and his wife (my sister-in-law) to see the new solar energy system. After that, we went into the RUSTY BUCKET restaurant for supper. Also present there were my stepsister, my sister and her husband (my brother-in-law). My sister and her husband gave us the coloring book. It is the CLINTONVILLE COLORING BOOK COLLECTION EDITION, 6th Edition (c.2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011), the Clintonville Historical Society & Sandy Trinter, P.O. Box 14315, Columbus, OH 43214, Email, Phone (614) 657-6854. Sandy Trinter is a watercolor artist, and she lives in Clintonville.
Um 16 Uhr 30 besuchten wir das Haus von meinem Bruder und seiner Frau (meiner Schwägerin) um das neue Solarenergiesystem zu beobachten. Danach gingen wir ins Restaurant RUSTY BUCKET zum Abendessen. Da waren auch meine Stiefschwester, meine Schwester und ihr Mann (mein Schwager). Meine Schwester und ihr Mann haben uns das Malbuch gegeben. Das ist der CLINTONVILLE COLORING BOOK COLLECTION EDITION, 6th Edition (c.2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011), the Clintonville Historical Society & Sandy Trinter, P.O. Box 14315, Columbus, OH 43214, Email, Phone (614) 657-6854. Sandy Trinter ist eine Aquarellkünstlerin und sie wohnt in Clintonville.
(7758, 7759, 7761, 7762, 7763 by Mark Pollock, August 5, 2018)
(10:03 a.m., 10:03 a.m., 1:57 p.m., 2:14 p.m., 3:45 p.m.)
The return trip was very favorable for us. In the state of WEST VIRGINIA, we paid three times a toll of 2 dollars.
Uns war die Rückfahrt sehr günstig. Im Staat WEST VIRGINIA zahlten wir dreimal die Gebühr von 2 Dollar.
A Small Collection of Unique Pictures = Eine kleine Sammlung von einzigartigen Bildern
(7524, 7526, 7534, 7545 by Mark Pollock, July 27-28, 2018)
(7578, 7583, 7594, 7595, 7596 by Mark Pollock, July 30, 2018)
(7597, 7599, 7600, 7626, 7627 by Mark Pollock, July 30-31, 2018)
(7635, 7636, 7641, 7653, 7654 by Mark Pollock, August 1, 2018)
(7688, 7696, 7702, 7719, 7720 by Mark Pollock, August 2-3, 2018)
(7721, 7740, 7741, 7753, 7754 by Mark Pollock, August 3-4, 2018)
(7755, 7756, 7757, 7773, 7777 by Mark Pollock, August 4, 2018)
(7781, 7791, 7793, 7796, 7797 by Mark Pollock, August 4-5, 2018)
The End = das Ende