My interpretation of InoChou: a darker, fandom-based version

Oct 27, 2006 15:17

I guess I could have typed this long ago. I've only felt like it recently though. *shrugs* I guess the NaruSaku manifesto leeched all of my essay writing energy, good thing that one's just about done. The following deals with my interpretation of InoChou and why I support not the "canon" version, but a "fandom" version. In some ways, you can say I consider InoChou a crack pairing, even though it is likely canon.

Damn, I haven't written an essay this short in a long time. O_o;; Lookie! It's not pushing the character limit! =)



I. Why I don't support the "canon" InoChou: a certain lack of depth
I.1. Yamanaka Ino: a girl who still values appearances
I.2. Akimichi Chouji: a guy who's... simply not interested
I.3. "Fat guy x skinny girl": in my opinion, a rather stupid concept

II. The "fandom" InoChou: circumstances that can give the pairing that necessary depth
II.1. The canon Chouji: a real kindness and ability to be more than looks
II.2. The fandom Ino: darker, facing harsher realities, a true kunoichi
II.3. Not a "climber" relationship, but one that holds on. And in the end, it's a dirty job, and someone's got to do it.


I. Why I don't support the "canon" InoChou: a certain lack of depth

InoChou might be "cute" in canon... but that's it. I think Ino and Chouji are both deep characters, but their canon relationship has yet to bring out that depth.

I.1. Yamanaka Ino: a girl who still values appearances

Heard of the following?

"Ino should hook up with Chouji because she is superficial so by hooking up with Chouji she'd prove that she isn't shallow anymore! Besides she said he looked good when he's skinnier!"

There are several things I find off with that statement.

The first is suggesting that the only reason Ino should hook up with Chouji is to prove a point. You don't hook up with someone to prove a point, you hook up with someone because you appreciate who he is. And that's the problem I have with this pairing: I'm not sure if she does appreciate Chouji for who he is. After Shikamaru became Chuunin, Ino told Chouji:

"Anyways, Chouji, you'd better pay attention to your body more or you won't get any girls."

Chouji is fat for his family techniques, he doesn't actually have a choice. Between choosing between girls and the strength to protect his friends, he'd likely choose the latter. I think that choice should be respected.

The second point is the "prove she's not shallow" point. Guess what? Ino is far from shallow. I don't think there's any point she has to "prove." As someone put it, it's not so much that she's shallow, it's more that she's tactless. The thing is, even though she cares about appearances, it does Not prevent her from being a good person!

Ino has already proven that she's capable of seeing beyond appearances! She's already shown herself to be a person who cares about her friends! When she was very young, she came to the rescue of "forehead girl" who has mocked by everyone, and helped her bloom. When said "forehead girl", now a rival, was in danger, Ino dragged her friends in to rescue her. And when Ino tied with Sakura, Ino did not resent truly the fact, instead she felt proud of Sakura.

With Chouji too. She keeps commenting about his appearance, but she came to visit him at the hospital during the chuunin exams, and when Chouji came back half-dead from the rescue mission, she showed just how worried she is for him. In part 2, it was likely this incident that prompted her to learn medical jutsu, to take care of her team. Ino's databook profile also says that "she puts her friends first," something confirmed by everything she's done.

So I really think "It'd show that she isn't superficial anymore!" is a lousy excuse. Ino isn't perfect, she does place emphasis on outside appearance, but I find this to be a minor human fault when you take into account how much she Truly cares for her friends and how much she's truly willing to do.

But mostly, what I don't care much about the "canon" InoChou is that I think Chouji deserves better than just being used to prove a point as well. Chouji does have incredible qualities, and I'd Seriously prefer it if the person he hooks up with does so because he recognizes those qualities in him, not to prove a point. =\

I.2. Akimichi Chouji: a guy who's... simply not interested

And now let's look at this from Chouji's point of view. When has he ever shown romantic interest for specifically Ino? "Hey what fat guy Wouldn't be happy to get the pretty girl?" So it'd be an ego boost? Okay, but that'd be it. During the chuunin exams, when Ino brought him fruits, Chouji said this:

Hehe, I'm also the type that gets girls to visit them. Take that, Shikamaru!

"Hey let's take pity on the fat guy and just hook him up with the first pretty girl to show up! This way he can feel better about himself!" Sorry, I don't buy that. If he at Least showed some sort of interest in Ino, then sure, but there's no evidence of that right now. So if the only reason most people even bother to hook him up with Ino is out of pity (without looking at the actual relationship), then no thanks.

I.3. "Fat guy x skinny girl": in my opinion, a rather stupid concept

Honestly, when I think about it, InoChou as it currently stands would be a horribly awkward relationship. Okay, I might be exaggerating, but it'd pose a problem nonetheless.

First, I think people keep getting the chronology wrong. She'd likely have to stop placing emphasis on appearances First, Then hook up with Chouji. Honestly, when has Chouji ever made her question the importance of appearances? And this is my main problem with the manga portrayal of InoChou: it does not move Away from the concept of appearances. Quite the contrary, the only time Ino has been shown taking interest in Chouji "that" way was the following:

"I liked how thin you were"

Honestly, on the subject of moving beyond appearances, Shikamaru would be better suited than Chouji. "If she put a little meat on..." Chouji would likely never outright say this to Ino himself. And post-timeskip, Ino still does go for looks: when Sai showed up, she approached him based solely on the fact that he's good-looking (and looking like Sasuke, for that matter).

So the way things currently are, even after hooking up with Chouji, Ino might still care about her own appearance while dropping hints about Chouji's own appearance. She might be "checking out" other guys, whether with any ill intentions or not. And being quite good-looking herself, she'd likely be the focus of quite a few males.

Chouji? After the temporary ego-boost, this situation would likely put a strain on him. Between people wondering how the heck a fat guy like him got a pretty girl like Ino, and Ino herself commenting on appearances, the sensitive boy that is Chouji might end up being hurt.

It is possible for Ino to grow beyond her current phase and for Chouji to become more confident about his physical state, but it'd likely not be thanks to each other. So this isn't exactly an argument "for" InoChou.

Now before InoChou fans start descending on me to try to skin me (gah, fandom wank), I should say why I do like InoChou. People will no doubt tell me that I got InoChou all wrong and that Ino would indeed learn to appreciate Chouji for who he is: strong, dependable, kind.

The thing is, the Canon InoChou has yet to display this. But I think that more extreme circumstances can help her appreciate all of Chouji's true qualities.

II. The "fandom" InoChou: circumstances that can give the pairing that necessary depth

II.1. The canon Chouji: a real kindness and ability to be more than looks

Okay now. Instead of describing Chouji as "that fat guy whom we should just hook up with the pretty girl in order to prove a point," maybe we should state what's actually admirable about him?

Chouji is perhaps one of the kindest characters of the series. For his looks, he's unfortunately been looked down on as a kid, but for those who do see beyond his appearances, he is capable of being the most loyal companion. He doesn't ask for much, but is willing to give his life in exchange.

Chouji, you're a good guy.

This is what I want Ino to say. Deep down, Chouji is a beautiful character, but so far only Shikamaru appreciates Chouji fully for who he is. In the manga, I have yet to see this situation with Ino.

There's also what his body truly represents. He's not fat by mere gluttony, but because his family jutsus depend on it. He knows firsthand the scorn that mere superficial appearances can result in, but better than anyone, I think he realizes that the body is above all a weapon. One he has to maintain for greater purposes, while swallowing the insults.

II.2. The fandom Ino: darker, facing harsher realities, a true kunoichi

Reminder: from now on, everything will pertain to a Fandom interpretation. So if you don't agree, well of course it doesn't follow the manga entirely. Since it's well... a fandom interpretation. :S Although not a too far-fetched one.

Naruto the series, despite the occasionally darker scenes, is a relatively "sanitized" series, so the following interpretation is a fandom one. In fact, the "canon" Ino seems to be moving towards "mother hen." But nonetheless, the following possibility is far from far-fetched.

What did Real kunoichi specialize in? They specialized not in direct combat, or even medics, but in undercover, spying, and assassination. And more than any other of the girls, I see Ino fitting the definition of "kunoichi" in the true sense of the word. As both a girl and a Yamanaka, I think she's doubly suited to the role: skilled in the knowledge of everything "girl", but also with techniques that could be used for anything from spying to assassination.

Long ago I had written a few scenes with the intention of writing a fic, but it was taking too much work. Consider this though: both Yamanaka techniques can be effectively used to have someone assassinated by someone close to them, or even have them kill themselves (with the second technique). The ultimate appearance of betrayal, while Ino on the sidelines keeps her own hands "clean".

In some ways, the manga has also dropped hints of her potential.

The first scene was light-hearted back then (moreso because it didn't work, heh). But it shows that at the mere age of 12, Ino already saw her body as a means of deception and of getting what she wants. At the age of 12, she already has the makings of a "kunoichi". The second scene hints to the possible future usage of poison. A very kunoichi-like thing to do.

So in my fandom-based interpretation, inevitably, Ino will head down a path of lies and deceptions. Flirting with opponents, using any means to get close to a person. Befriending the very people you're supposed to betray.

Right now, Ino is a rather strong-willed and light-hearted girl. But such a situation would likely take its toll on her. Ino, deep down, is a good person. But she will have to question her true identity. The situation is in many ways emotionally harsher than just being a shinobi: when fighting, you "just" have to get rid of nameless combatants. As a kunoichi though, Ino would have to get up close and personal, and perhaps not always to combatants. The way I see, she'd likely be targetting not the stronger combatants, but the weaker links, the most vulnerable and innocent ones. In a scene I had thought up long ago (never wrote the fic though), Ino seduced a young boy, then used Shiraishin to force him to kill himself, making it appear as suicide. But she had to face the look of hurt and betrayal on that oh so young man's face as he died.

Under such circumstances, she might start to feel that she's rotting from within. Not only that, as she learns to perfect her body into a mask, even those close to her will be increasingly unable to see the light-hearted girl she used to be, and see her instead as either an object of desire or repulsion. One day she might find that the very friends whom she used to care about so much, suddenly can't look her straight in the eyes anymore.

I'm not describing this very well, since it's not something I dwell on that much, admittedly. It's just a vague notion I keep in the head. sintari once wrote an InoAsu fic that portrays this state much better than I can.

In any case, Ino would finally understand the meaning of using the body as a tool. Of being nothing but a pretty mask. Her very capacity to deceive will also be what will isolate her. And the sad thing would be: it wouldn't even be her fault. Because it'd be a dirty job, but someone has to do it.

But it's under these conditions that I see the "true" potential for InoChou.

II.3. Not a "climber" relationship, but one that holds on. And in the end, it's a dirty job, and someone's got to do it.

I think it's under these circumstances that Ino can truly appreciate Chouji for who he is. As she finds herself increasingly having to live a life of lies, Chouji, his kindness, and representing more than mere appearances, would be like an oasis of relief for her. No matter what happens to her, no matter how much people call her a whore or otherwise, he'd still understand and reach to her, perhaps never forgetting that once upon a time, even though she didn't think highly of his appearance, she did still care for him.

Chouji takes care of his friends. He'd take care of her, be her strong support when things get a bit too hard. I see Ino coming back from a particularly harsh mission, feeling broken about what she's had to do, asking herself if she's become a bad person. But Chouji could just hold her, give her warmth, and provide her with the strength of someone who understands the scornful gazes, through having experienced them himself, but still managed to stay strong. And around him, Ino would no longer have to worry if her hair is perfect, if her make-up is flawless, if her skin is spotless, and if every word she speaks must be carefully crafted to manipulate. Around him, she could finally just be herself.

In exchange, well... Ino would appreciate him for who he is. She could stand by his side when others make fun of him, tell him not to listen to them because she knows better. When Chouji comes home one day, depressed because of insults, she can tell him, truthfully and honestly, as her eyes meet his own, that he's the really beautiful one.

It wouldn't be easy. They would likely have problems. Chouji might ask himself if he deserves someone as beautiful as Ino. Ino might feel bad for "using" Chouji this way. I even see Shikamaru accuse Ino of taking advantage of Chouji's kindness (this is a fandom-based interpration after all. And in this version, Shikamaru is often too busy with his own work to help Chouji, but still worries about him). But Ino will back up her words by staying. And Chouji, even if insecure, would still look at her with eyes free of judgement. To be honest, these are all little things. But they could be everything.

So in the end, they'd be brought together, because both of them know that whether beautiful or ugly, the body is but a tool. They maintain their outside appearance not out of choice, but out of duty. But they'd Stay together because better than anyone, they would be able to see and appreciate the hearts underneath. They can maintain that humanity in each other, and stay side by side and head high while facing those who don't understand.

Maybe, after everything is over, they can finally relax a bit. Ino could finally drop her mask, Chouji would still be by her side, and underneath the scars, they might find each other all over again. Then they can start anew, still fully appreciative of each other, except this time, without the dark background to weigh them down.


I admit, InoChou is not one of my "main" shippings. In canon, I'd prefer Chouji to be with someone who can understand him like Shikamaru can. But out of all the pairings I somewhat hold interest in, InoChou is perhaps the only angst-based one I support (yes, even NejiHina doesn't count for me, as I don't consider it an "ongoing" angst, but that's another story). I usually go for "healthy," positives couples, or couples that I qualify as "climber." InoChou, at best, prevents each other from sinking.

But the thing about InoChou here is that the "angst" is due not to each other, but to duty. They don't really have a choice, as they owe it to their village. It's a dirty job in the end. But someone's got to do it. And while you're at it, might as well have someone to hold and to hold onto, someone to be able to see underneath all the appearances and masks.

Now, it's still quite possible for the "canon" Ino and Chouji to reach the point where I think they could have a healthy relationship. Ino can still grow out of her obsession for appearances and find full appreciation for the kind and loyal Chouji. Chouji can gain more confidence about his own appearance as he realizes that he is accepted as he is, and maybe develop a fondness for the girl who's a bit ditzy at times but who has been kind and caring to him, after all. Though without the development, you might as well have Ino or Chouji hook up with just about anybody else for those reasons (kindness and whatnot).

It'd be a slow gradual process, and require for both Ino and Chouji to grow up more on their own. It would be the result not of "omg Destiny!" or some crappy themes ("fat guy skinny girl!"), but the result of gradual but extensive positive interactions. I just haven't seen it reach the "necessary" development in canon. But it can still happen. If it does, I might support "canon" InoChou more actively as well.

In the meantime, I'll mostly support this fandom-based version. *shrugs*

Hmm, not one of my most convincing essays. Since this view is heavily fandom-based, it would have been better "explained" through a fic (which I'd be too lazy, not to mention incapable of writing) than through a more objective and less sentimental essay.

Ah well. After all, my version of InoChou is just a notion I have in the head, not something I've extensively researched or read about. I guess this'll do.

Actually, are there even other InoChou essays around? =\

By the way, on the NaruSaku manifesto: I'm wondering if I might face the risk of passing the deadline of November 15 that I had asked for before I receive confirmation that I can post on ship_manifesto. In this case, maybe I can ask to change the date to whenever the journal mod updates the list?


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