
Nov 09, 2014 09:26

I miss this community, and at this point my reasons for continuing to not post and not comment are completely but twistedly self-sabotaging, I'm sure, so here's giving it a try ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

ljs November 9 2014, 14:37:23 UTC
Hugs hugs hugs, H_P! I am so happy to see you post.

Good thoughts for changes and sorting out. I am having some of the same thoughts too.



heron_pose November 9 2014, 14:38:38 UTC
So happy to see you, too.

We persevere, and thank you for that.


tx_cronopio November 9 2014, 15:29:36 UTC
Yay! You must be psychic, I was thinking about you just last night!

Glad to hear that everything's pretty well. As it is here, mostly. Engineer's company folded, so he's looking for a job.


heron_pose November 9 2014, 15:32:09 UTC
Perhaps YOU are the psychic one! I was talking about LJ to a youngster last night, and mentioned the friends I'd made on it. You may have come up. :-)

Oh, shit, about the Engineer's company. That's awful ... I hope things are looking hopeful, and that he gets to be a bit choosy about where he works.


msmoat November 9 2014, 18:07:39 UTC
One of the cool things about fandom is that we're always here when you come back. *g* Oh, things change, but that drive to watch and talk and create continues. I find that reassuring when I need to go off and do other things for a while.

Yay for the house settling in, and that the job continues to be enjoyable, and that you're at a place to see the journey you're and ponder it without worrying about that, you know?



heron_pose November 10 2014, 00:28:19 UTC
Yes, and some fandoms are lovelier than others to come back to. I feel lucky!

Oh, and lucky again to be able to take this sky-high look at my life; it's by turns depressing and exciting, but still good, overall.



stateless82 November 10 2014, 01:03:38 UTC
I'm fairly certain this is nothing you *need* to hear, but sprained my ribcage again this morning taking a sofa to the dump and aside from it hurting, I'm kind of overwhelmed by the feeling that my body is beginning to no longer be able do what I need it to do.

But at least I'm making progress cleaning out the apartment.

And it's always, always good to hear from you, when ever it happens. :-)


heron_pose November 11 2014, 15:27:31 UTC
Oh, the failing body, yes... but doing what we can do takes some of the sting out of it.

Also, back atcha. :-)


freixenet November 10 2014, 12:57:46 UTC
So glad to see you, H_P! And those are, actually, all the right questions. Who knows what the answers may be, but I kind of think they're always in progress. So, joy in the journey and all that. Right? :hugs:


heron_pose November 11 2014, 15:28:03 UTC
Joy, and all manner of feelings. :-)

::hugs:: back


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