[Pokemon B/W: 3 Drabbles, N/Touko]

Jul 07, 2011 09:32

Title: Kissing
Fandom: Pokemon Black & White
Pairing: N/Touko
Word Count: 268

Touko was certain he was thinking about it. Or at least she hoped that’s why he kept glancing over at her and blushing. But as for his actions, it was hard to tell.

“Maybe he’s trying to figure out the physics behind it,” Touko wondered to herself. It was N after all, and the idea of kissing probably perplexed him the way many human interactions did.

But the more Touko thought about him thinking about it, the more she realized how much she wanted him to kiss her.

N, on the other hand, was awkwardly going on about how barometric pressure affected the moods of Deerling in the forest. And the longer he talked, the more Touko really wished he was using his mouth for other things. Namely kissing.

With a sigh she finally grabbed the front of his shirt, yanked him towards her and planted her lips firmly on his, effectively interrupting him mid-sentence.

At first, N tensed up with shock and Touko felt the fear sink in the pit of her stomach. Maybe she’d read him wrong? N wasn’t exactly easy to read after all…

But then, Touko felt his hand very tenatively resting against her arm and his experimental attempts to return the kiss.

Later, when they were both awkwardly blushing and trying to work up the nerve to hold each other’s hand, N mumbled something.

“What’s that?”

“I was trying to tell you…about how a male Deerling attracts a female, you know?” He said shyly.

Touko repressed a laugh and took his hand. “Very romantic, N.”

A small smile quirked at his lips. “Sorry.”


Title: Cold
Fandom: Pokemon Black & White
Pairing: N/Touko
Word Count: 269

“Cold?” he asks, the snowy weather muffling the chuckle that’s hidden in his tone.

“A little,” Touko relents, mumbling into N’s hair. “I’d have Volcarona come out and warm me up, but then she’d be cold too.”

At that, N smiles softly. That’s one of the reasons he’s so fond of Touko, always putting the needs of her pokemon before herself.

“Do you think, within the confines of their pokeballs, that they feel this bitter wind?” N asks, looking off into the distance.

Touko edges closer and looks worriedly down towards her bag. “I don’t know. I sure hope not…”

She bites the edge of her lip, thinking, before suddenly she’s tugged N around to face her. Holding her bag in between them, she cuddles up against his chest.

“Just in case…” She mutters, her face pinking.

N blinks. Well, perhaps they should walk closer if it protects their friends from this cold weather. Putting his arms around her, he suddenly feels his face growing warm (which is awfully strange, given the chill).

“Stay close until we reach a warm place to s-stop,” he says. He has a sinking feeling the quiver in his last word has nothing to do with how he’s shivering and more to do with the fact Touko’s leaned up nose-to-nose with him.

“Thank you, N,” she says softly.

She pecks a quick kiss to the tip of his chilled nose before burrowing her face back against his chest.

N finds that from that point until they reach the next city he has no trouble keeping warm, as he’s certain his cheeks must be scarlet.


Title: Human Cure
Fandom: Pokemon Black & White
Pairing: N/Touko
Word Count: 223

Touko learned very quickly that N was a miserable invalid. He was whiny, clingy and downright insufferable at best. He didn’t understand why human medicines weren’t instant-fixes like antidotes and potions, and almost went as far as to try some bitter heal powder.

Thankfully for him, Touko talked him out of it.

But as much as he was a bit frustrating to deal with, Touko let him rest his head in her lap and lament his headache.

“If humans are so smart, why don’t they make something to heal this faster?”

Touko just stroked his hair and rubbed gentle circles on his scalp. “It’ll go away soon, just be patient.”

Suddenly N sat up and gave her a hard stare, “Wait a second. What’s that saying- that human one about kissing it all better? Does that work faster?”

Touko flushed, averting her eyes. “Well, it’s just a saying. ‘Kiss it all better,’ you know?”

N looked expectant. “Well, can you?”

Looking at her watch and noticing that his medicine would surely kick in soon, Touko gave him a smile. “Sure, I can try.”

From that day onward, N insisted that Touko’s kisses were instant-heals and he requested them every time he got sick. Touko just smiled to herself and awaited the day she was sick and got to ask for one in return.


!fanfic: drabble, pairing: n/touko, fandom: pokemon

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