Fic: Anglophile

Oct 10, 2009 03:55

Title: Anglophile
Author: sara_lakali
Recipient: melissagrey
Prompt: Breaking up with Dodger wasn't half as difficult as she thought it would be. Going home was.
Word Count: 843
Characters: Mia Dearden, Dodger, The Knight, Squire, Emma Watson
Warnings: Spoilers for recent canon, real person used fictitiously.
Summary: London wasn't like Star City.

Anglophile )

genre: het, character: mia dearden, verse: dcu, round: 2009

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Comments 8

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sara_lakali October 16 2009, 00:22:39 UTC
Thanks! I was very much down to the wire with this. I had originally hoped to take on more than one of the prompts, but this was the one that spoke to me the loudest.


smgriffin October 15 2009, 16:56:01 UTC
Because an asshole like that needs a little screwing over first.


I love how vivid her love for the city is.


sara_lakali October 15 2009, 21:36:07 UTC
Thank you. :) I drew on personal experience. When I saw the prompt, I knew where I had to go with this story.


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sara_lakali October 15 2009, 21:40:11 UTC
And Mia wasn't even on my original list of characters I thought I could write! I relied heavily on the snippets posted in scans_daily (old and new) and various wikia articles. All I really had to do was get out of Mia's way and let her tell her own story.



milleniumrex October 15 2009, 23:29:24 UTC
So little great Mia fic out there. Or great canon for a while now. I so loved this fic. The use of London (which is #1 on my list of cities I want to visit one day) was wonderful, and I loved how you got inside her head.

This was fantastic. :)


sara_lakali October 16 2009, 00:20:23 UTC

Mia's "voice" in canon seems to be all over the map. I just tried to think logically what a person in her situation would think and feel. I was lucky enough to visit London a couple of years ago, so it was nice to pull out my pictures and guidebooks and reminisce. I hope you get to go there someday. I know you'll love it as much as I did.


melissagrey October 16 2009, 04:40:12 UTC
Hermione, noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

Thank you so much for writing this. I can totally see Mia falling in love with London while still coming to her senses about Dodger. You made her feel real and with a character that's been so dicked over in canon, that is no easy feat.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, ilu forever and ever amen.


sara_lakali October 19 2009, 02:24:44 UTC
Ah, I can't take credit for Emma's appearance here, not really. I had already decided which way I was going to go with the prompt and then previews were posted showing how Mia would end up going home.

I prefer to think that Dodger was hanging about in the alley for some purpose of his own and accidentally saved Emma from a stalker or a mugger or something. She gave him a hug of gratitude and he pressed his advantage, so to speak. At least that's how I see it.

Anyway, I'm glad you liked it. I'm not very familiar with Mia. I'm glad I was able to do her justice. :D


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