OMIGAWD YOU GUYZZZ we're in the homestretch.
Give yourself a high five
Or a pat on the back
This checkin is MANDATORY - meaning I'll send Tucker's prom dogs after you if you don't do it :P. No I'll probably send a polite email instead lols. This check-in is to make sure everything is going okay and that both authors and artists are well on their way to finishing. You have 11 days until final rough drafts are due (for writers), artists you have until your posting date (more info on this later).
Please use the appropriate form below to check in. If you are doing both writing and art for this BB, please use both forms, but you can use them in one comment.
This checkin will be open until May 21st, midnight your timezone. If I haven't heard from you by then....well dogs. :P
Artist Check-in Form
Artist Check-inUsername:Fandom:Art Medium:Percentage Done:Hows it Going?:What's your favourite colour?:How is the weather where you are?: Author Check-in Form
Author Check-inUsername:Fandom:Big Bang Level:Percentage Done:Hows it Going?:What's your favourite word?:How is the weather where you are?: Authors, please note that you MUST finalize what writing level you're submitting at this checkpoint
here, have a cat gif