Title: Here I Dreamt I Was A Soldier
emmypennyFandom: The Avengers (MCU and 616 fusion)
Word Count: 6987 (Mini Bang)
Rating: Mature
Characters/Pairings: Natasha Romanoff/Clint Barton, Carol Danvers/Jessica Drew, Maria Hill, Kate Bishop, Cassie Lang
Warnings wartime setting, references to bombings, sexual references
Summary: A war
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Comments 1
I actually had the artwork done a full week before I left (really, check the date on my LJ!), but I completely lost track of the dates, to be honest.
The point of all this being, I made two pieces of artwork; one for Carole and Jessica since they seem to be the main 'theme' of the story, and one for Natasha and Clint because I just can't keep away from them, fandom-wise.
artwork is at: http://nessataleweaver.livejournal.com/29557.html
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