(no subject)

Oct 09, 2010 18:34

Name: Kurenai Wataru
Age: 20
Series: Kamen Rider Kiva

Canon: Kamen Rider Kiva follows Wataru, our hero, and his father in their parallel fights both in 1986 and 2008 against stained glass vampires (Fangire) who feed on humans indiscriminately. The story centers on the present Wataru, who must explore a difficult secret from his past and learn to understand and accept himself. With the slightly toppy help of his friends, Wataru learns to open up and be the best vampire hunter he can be.

When we first meet him, Wataru fears the outside world, although the more he is exposed to it the more he grows to understand and enjoy the company of others. Even when he’s out of his shell, he remains somewhere quiet and shy. He is always very polite and careful, usually to the point of letting people walk all over him. But despite his introverted nature, Wataru believes he’s the only one who can save the world, and he takes the responsibility seriously.

(Note: Wataru is being taken from before the end of the series. About Episode 37)

I’m so sorry, Mister Gorilla, I didn’t mean to knock over your sign. I wasn’t watching where I was going, and I was running way too fast. Really, it’s all my fault. I saw a cow and I stopped to say hello to it, but it wasn’t a cow at all. It was something else entirely, like it was a robot or a monster, only shaped like a cow. When I reached out it said “Error: Petting file not found” and then it started chasing me, so I ran. The next thing I knew I was running blindly through a corn field and right into all of you. I really am very sorry. I’ll fix it, I promise.

There, good as new. This way no one will be late to your… “First Annual Mandatory Gorilla Hoe Down”? What’s a hoe down? Oh, you mean a kind of party. Well, it all seems very exciting, the music, the food; even the air smells like excitement. And you decorated everything nicely, it’s all so lively and colorful! I never knew you could string bananas together like that, but I guess hammocks are good for resting more than just people.

I suppose it would be okay if I joined in, you don’t have to push. I’m sorry I don’t know how to dance at all, I’ll try to keep up with the rest of you. P-please slow down, you’re making it look so complicated... And painful! Was it really necessary to throw your partner in the air like that? If he went high enough to hit though toucans flying by, I think it was too much. He hit the ground pretty hard, too. You see? He isn’t moving... I think he might really be hurt. Please step aside and let me see if he’s okay.

No, no, don’t get up! My name is Kurenai Wataru, and I’m here to help. Just lie still and if you can, show me where it hurts. I’m not really a doctor, but I know a few things about broken bones and sprains. I promise I’ll do what I can to help. You shouldn’t move until I’ve had a chance to check for any major breaks or swollen areas. U-um... I appreciate you wanting to help, but I don’t think it’s really appropriate for me to check there, especially since you landed on your back. I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I will, if you insist...

Oh dear, we should get you better help right away. I definitely feel some swelling.

Voting was here.


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