First Fic Jam - Crown Chakra

Sep 13, 2009 10:29

To get the creative juices flowing, I’d like to announce our first Fic Jam! This is not a contest, I want this to be very low-pressure, I just want to see how many people can get inspired by this fortnight’s theme, and what kinds of stories (or other things) come out of it.

Our first series of fic jams are going to be based on the Seven Major Chakras. Why? They’re interesting, they’re jam-packed full of meaning that can be interpreted many different ways, and they can be easily applied to fic.

This fortnight, the theme will be the Crown Chakra. According to the Source of All Knowledge (Wikipedia), the Crown Chakra: “Symbolized by a lotus with one thousand petals, it is located at the crown of the head. Sahasrara (the Crown chakra) is represented by the colour violet and it involves such issues as inner wisdom and the death of the body. Sahasrara's inner aspect deals with the release of karma, physical action with meditation, mental action with universal consciousness and unity, and emotional action with 'beingnness'."

As always, you might be further inspired by taking a look over at tiny ghosts to find a jumping-off point for your story (or picture, or poem, or fanmix, or whatever else creative medium you choose).

Any questions, concerns, quotations, or quarrels can be addressed with comments!

chakras jam, fic jam, crown chakra

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