
Sep 27, 2011 08:46

Hey guys! Eve here ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

paynesgrey September 27 2011, 14:11:53 UTC
I do the newsletter tomorrow, so if you can't do it tonight, I can catch up for you tomorrow, no problem.

I can take over as primary email if no one else wants to.

I am also down with turning the newsletter into two days a week instead of three, since the fandom is slowing down a bit lately.

How does that sound?


rebelle_elle September 27 2011, 18:31:53 UTC
It sounds good to me!

Maybe we can do rotations so someone gets a breather each week? And that way we can look busy if our bosses look in? :p Since I think we're back up to three people now.


paynesgrey September 27 2011, 20:51:33 UTC
That would be fine with me.

My only thing is that when I start my new job next month I will only be able to update the newsletter either really early on Wednesday morning or in the late afternoon. Though I think you guys don't really care as long as it's on my day, right?

I'm glad we got another person!


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