meta: episode 207

Nov 12, 2007 19:44

I've become more selective with my search methods, only reading entries that have "heroes_meta" (or some variation of it) in their post. If you notice that your post was not quoted, go back and check that you have more than simply "heroes" somewhere in the post. Then remember to add "meta" for next time.

Enjoy tonight's meta for "Out of Time", and tonight's new episode "Four Months Ago"

Kensei & Hiro

Takezo is a bastard, but a sneaky, smart bastard. Forcing Hiro to inhale opium in order to cancel out his powers.. now that's just sheer genius. He needs to learn that tying up your princess is not a good way to win her, though. Well, okay, I suppose it would depend on the princess, but I think Yaeko is more the vanilla type.
- vampedvixen

He went nuts over some whiny chick with freakishly close-together eyes that he "loved" for about a month after Hiro, like, made him? Enh. No. Try again.
Now I would believe if YAEKO was actually Kensei and then she found Adam and Hiro making out and got upset. Because I'd break human history for David Anders too.
- chibirhm

It's always a good sign when the episode starts with characters doing drugs. Kensei hotboxes Hiro and IT IS ON.
- terebi_me

Perhaps the show is trying to tell us that Time Travelers shouldn’t fall for redheads (Caitlin and Charlie.)
- aunt_zelda

Oh Kensei, why did you have to turn evil? I already love Sylar. Thus, my evil love quota for this season is full. You are just going to have to go back to being good. Of course, given the typical role of reformed bad guys in comics, if you redeem yourself, you're going to die. Frick.
- byakuganchick

Oh God. Hiro's dad. Yatta to OHFUCK in under half a second. Congratulations, Masi Oka. For playing the most unpleasant emotional seesaw a human being can go through and making it work without looking overly cheesy, you win... nothing, because I give funky prizes only to fictional characters. There are societies and shit to give them to actors.
- lienne

Kensei is so evil *flail* Evil is damned sexy. Maybe if Hiro would become evil he would become sexy too. Although... I kinda doubt it.
- canadian_turtle

Gaaaaaaaaaaaah, I demand that Hiro get ONE episode where he's not sad or having to say goodbye to his girlfriend or SOMETHING. Jeez, Ando, throw him a party already.
- byakuganchick

Was I the only one wondering if the lack of booze is what made Kensei THAT CRANKY that he joined White Beard just because of Hiro's 'betrayal?' Yeah I put it in quotes because I really can't associate HIRO with BETRAYAL like.. ever. Because wow. Talk about an extreme reaction.
- jesslared

Ando is doing fuckall in front of his computer - there you have it, heroes season 2 - but Hiro has come back from the past to bring him coffee and cheat codes.
- terebi_me

Seriously, what’s up with that? I mean, Hiro is sweet and nice and noble, but so was Kensai for a while. And given the choice between Hiro and Good!Kensai I’d pick Kensai. That accent just slays me, and if HE loved ME I’d do practically whatever he wanted.
- aunt_zelda

Peter & Caitlyn

So, Peter manages to meet Caitlin, inadvertently get her brother killed and then leaves her in a twisted future in little over a week. And I thought I had bad luck with men!
- vampedvixen

Great, now Peter's gonna grow his emo hair back again and start writing poetry about failed love. IT'S SO HARD TO BE A PETRELLI.
- chiihiro

I have a feeling if he left her, it'd make him all emo and weepy and such, so I guess I can give him an episode to go back and get her. Any more and I'm irritated. Hear me, Pete? You get one episode. After all, that's all Hiro got and I LIKED Charlie.
- byakuganchick

Caitlin probably really regrets meeting Peter. (Though that one really gave me a laugh!)
- shimmeree

Quarantine!Overlord #1: So uh.. you might want to give Peter his shirt back as he's going to be meeting his mother over there.
Quarantine!Overlord #2: .. but he's a Petrelli.
Q!O #1: He was doing his BROTHER. Not his MOTHER. Try not to confuse your ships.
Q!O #2: .. but he's a Petrelli.
Q!O #2: Peter/Angela OTP!!! *makes like Mohinder from last episode and throws a tantrum*
Q!O #1: ..Gawd. Fanboys. *gives Peter his shirt back while simultaneously punching out Quarantine!Overlord #3 who was readYing a spiel about how Paire is the best* So yeah, I'll give you time alone with her over there, but try not to have chemistry with her like you tend to with everyone and every inanimate object ever. Please? It'll cause my one co-worker great distress.
- jesslared

Ok Peter. I haz a lesson for you and you will listen to me. Running around the deserted streets of NYC screaming 'HELLO!' isn't going to get much of a response. Were you expecting whoever got picked last for that Great Big Dodgeball Team in the Sky to come running out like 'OMG HI I'M SO SAD AND LONELY JUST LIKE DAVID LEE ROTH ONLY I'M LACKING IN THE GIGOLO DEPARTMENT!' at your repeated shouting of something that's generally NOT shouted?
- jesslared

PETER NAKED! I kept hoping the camera would pan down, and wishing this was a Dutch show cause then it totally would have.
- lin

Peter-in-the-present, in his nice gray prison hoodie, tries to figure out how he bent time and space, and can't of course. He sparks out, and someone else's palm catches the spark - and heals the resulting burn. It's a hot, snarky blond guy! Adam = Kensei. Surprising no one. Delighting me. IT IS ON! If Peter can't be with Nathan, he might as well be with a snarky, slightly evil 400-year-old Englishman, one who is going to betray him and break that tender little heart of his worse than it's ever been broke
- terebi_me


Okay, as much as this kills me to admit it, I'm with Mohinder. Who's good? Who's bad? What's going on? Why is HRG kind of going nuts? AUGH.
- chibirhm

Mo is an idiot. He is so incredibly stupid. I give up on him. All last season he was treading the line, but now he's tap danced over it and built himself a condo.
- byakuganchick

Heee paintings! Mohinder looks like he's wearing fake teeth, so he's gonna kill someone around Halloween then?
- canadian_turtle

Mohinder said "MORALLY GRAY!" Do we win a prize? Niki says "MORALLY UN-GRAY!" Maybe that's our prize.
- terebi_me

Nathan, Niki & Bob

Jessaniki seems sanest when she's hallucinating and injecting herself with a killer virus, which with any other person would be weird.
- vampedvixen

I'll get this out of the way first, even though, by this point, it's as big a shocker as an admission that the sky is blue and the grass is green: I hate what they're doing to Niki. Hate it.
- phoenixchilde

Wow, Nathan's hair is staring at me :| Wait did Nathan just speak? Damn that hair of distraction!
- canadian_turtle

Niki: For stabbing yourself in the arm with the Legacy Virus, you win the Stupid Prize.
Matt: For trapping your shitstain of a dad in his own fucked-up psychosis, you win the Awesome Prize.
Hot Pete: For losing your girlfriend IN THE FUTURE, you win the Holy Fuck Your Life Sucks Ass Prize. I mean. SERIOUSLY.
- lienne

Then Bob drops the Peter bomb! And the "Peter's alive" bomb! And Nathan responds with the most perfect "JIGGA WHAT?" face ever seen.
- terebi_me

I wonder if Bob finished that sentence with 'alive and lookin' really fine, I might say. We gave him a gym subscription and a haircut. No need to thank us, it was our pleasure!'
- lin

So I have now decided that I've been watching far to much BSG because as soon as I saw DL the first thing I did was shout, "OH NOES! Niki's got a head-DL!"
- krilymcc

That revelation did not sit well with me or my sister.
kell887: "Nathan's going to die? You know what the new catchphrase is going to be? Save the brother, save the world."
- krilymcc

Matt & Molly

MATT BROUGHT THE WOOB THIS WEEK. FOR SERIOUS. Like, there are some levels of woob akin to, like, Papa Mars or Jim Halpert, and then you square that multiplied by AWESOME and you have Matt Parkman this week, ladies and gentlemen.
- chibirhm

OMG IT'S MATT'S DAD! THE EV0LZ!!!! (His hair tufts just...they totally kill his whole evil persona.)
- ohbutwait_ily

But every time her brainwave monitor would go all 'BLOOP!' when Matt said 'I love you.' it was like .. I was expecting Matt to hear her say 'Roger that!' in her head. And then Matt would be all 'Roger? But my name is Matt!' and cue the laugh-in-a-can.
- jesslared

Matt gets an emotional bedside scene with Coma Molly... showing he's still self-conscious about his weight, poor love. I'm sorry, I know it's not good for him, but I like my chubby Greg. He does a little psychic lovin' on her, and she responds by spiking her brain waves to let him know she can hear him.
- terebi_me

Claire, West & HRG

Heroes has a serious waffle fetish. I am just realizing this.
- jesslared

Did anyone else flashback to that “The call is coming from inside the house” urban legend when West texted Claire? Creepy, stalker boy strikes again!
- vampedvixen

West: in ur kitchen, makin ur wafflez.
- chiihiro

West: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ohbutwait_ily

Okay, so West is freakishly obssessive, reckless to the point of idiocy and rather snobbish and prone to snap judgements. On the other hand, he can cook and the dog seems to like him.
- byakuganchick

Also, is someone going to go ahead and award HRG with the Father of the Year award? Because nothing says you're a sensible father better than harassing your daughter when you know she's gonna be making out in front of your bloody corpse spitefully within a few days.
- chiihiro

If I were West, I would have totally grabbed a popsicle before I fled. Who leaves a popsicle behind? Especially raspberry. Yum.
- lin

MR. MUGGLES. Iz watching you sex. On the couch. With the creepy West. CLAIRE.
- aheartfulofyou

When Claire was all, "If you're going to be dropping in, there's something I need to tell you..." My dad finished, "I'm biologically male."
- 0_567395

Pigeon sighting! *counts these things in hopes that Claude will return*
- aunt_zelda

Peter was wet and naked for no good reason, Mohinder and Nathan shared space... it was GLORIOUS! )
- just_katarin

This episode ROCKED MY MISMATCHED SOCKS! It’s definitely the best episode of Season 2 so far … despite the absence of Sylar … which I didn’t even realize until the end …
- aunt_zelda

Trouble at the Company … they could be Daleks: E-vac-u-ate! Ex-ter-min-ate! Ex-po-si-ate!
- aunt_zelda

This week we learn that:

Nathan and Niki are sweet together.
D.L.'s a guilt-tripper.
Mohinder looks pretty even with a busted face.
Matt is a loving fella.
Bob's very persuasive.
Peter's very confused.
Mohinder is also very confused.
Molly's been stuck in the '70s.
Niki makes a lot of bad choices.
Ando shouts a lot.
Stop time Hiro, stop time!! Wow, Kensei is asking Hiro to kill him just like Sylar did last season in THP. It's like Hiro is their suicide bomb or something.
- canadian_turtle

Noah burns the paintings. I always wonder why stuff burns so easily on tv. I mean, have you ever tried to set fire to something? That's hard, I'm telling you. But on tv, everything's always WOOSH ablaze. Also, I swear I'm not a pyromaniac.
- lin

Haha, did anyone else see, early on, it was advertising for the green crap, and it was all, "Stay tuned for tips on how to save the world from the Heroes cast!" Bad wording guys, 'cause now I'm thinking that the cast is a looming danger that we must all do our part to defeat.
- 0_567395

meta:episode 207

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