Hello, all you wonderfully snarky meta-ers out there! I’m one of the new mods, pleased to meet you all. I don’t really have much to say except I’m quite excited about all this, and please bear with me a little, as I am new, and correct me if I make any mistakes with attributing or anything. I think that’s about it with the introductions and what-not, so here is your long-awaited meta for “The Line”
Claire, West, and HRG
Ooh, and with West’s prompting (and his… disturbing ownership of a Stalking Outfit), guess what? Claire is CROSSING THE LINE!
cazrolime Hello, Mr. Bennet! It's glad to see you're back to kicking ass and taking names. Not that I minded you being a woobie dad (by the way, nice job being a woobie dad WHILE kicking the crap out of someone), but this is where we first met. It makes me all nostalgic and wibbly.
chibirhm Haha Debbie said claire wasn't extraordinary. OH HOW HRG WOULD BE SO PROUD TO HEAR. He might even go out and revolutionize the bumper sticker industry with the "Proud parent of a mediocre student" design, which should go right next to his "Proud bagger-and-tagger of YOUR honor roll student" one. Because you totally know he has one just like that.
jesslared Claire trying out for cheerleading just wasn't as spectacular as it could have been if she had enlisted her TOE to do SOMERSAULTS THROUGH THE AIR AS PART OF HER ROUTINE.
jesslared WEST. You own a ski mask? Why does this not surprise me? Although I am surprised you didn't whip out a collection of hundreds of them. "OH SEE, I HAVE A WHITE ONE IN CASE I STALK WHEN IT IS SNOWING. A GREEN ONE, WELL A BUNCH OF GREEN ONES TO BLEND IN WELL WITH SHRUBBERY. NICE SAND-COLORED ONE IN CASE I'M STALKING IN THE DESERT. A BLUE ONE, AS WELL AS A GREEN MURKY LOOKING ONE, FOR STALKING IN WATER WITH VARYING AMOUNTS OF ALGAE AND OTHER FORMS OF PLANT LIFE. AND FOR PEOPLE WHO DON'T CLEAN THEIR SWIMMING POOL. I HAVE ANOTHER ONE HERE, YOU SEE A BOTTLE OF HEINZ KETCHUP ON IT IN CASE I DECIDE TO STALK FROM WITHIN YOUR REFRIGERATOR. AND A PINK ONE IN CASE I'M PRETENDING TO BE A GIANT BIRTHDAY CAKE WHEN I STALK YOU. :D" As the world becomes frightened by his enthusiasm and some random dude in the back row wonders if he has a noodle-print one in case he decides to hide out in the lo mein at a Chinese food buffet place and stalk his victim of choice.
jesslared Peter and Caitlin
Oh, Peter, you sweet sweet little puppy. Why did you think Caitlin wants to be there when you find blonde-shock-chick? Did you think she'd want to bond and eat ice-cream together and make BFF bracelets?
sockofnether Claude needs to show up and beat him with a stick. For fun.
greyelveneyes HOLY SHIT DESTROYED NYC ALL OVER AGAIN!!! *looks for burnt Vote Petrelli flyers* What is it with Peter and visions of a destroyed NYC? You'd almost think he subconsciously wants the city to vanish from the face of the earth or something. Yeah, shitty childhood. Does he not understand he could also just move to another state?
canadian_turtle He teleported... to the future. With the Oirish girl, who doesn't appear to be the least bit disturbed by this.
lin I think I like Caitlyn. I want to see her push Peter out of the way during the final Elle centric confrontation and apply the Teaching Stick vigorously to her skull.
byakuganchick Hiro, Kensei, and Yaeko
If I were Kensei, I'd believe they tripped and were both too polite to remove their mouths from the other one's for fear of offending them, because that's kind of what it looked like they were doing
chibirhm Wow! Feudal Japan can heal Hiro eyes! No more need for glasses!
yaiyah Sylar, Maya, and Alejandro
Maybe I'm out of the loop but I had no idea what a coyote was before this episode. I couldn't understand why Alejandro thought wild animals would help them get across the border.
vampedvixen When he started spilling his ENTIRE PLAN to Alejandro, I was torn between “I love you, you arrogant, cocksure bastard” and “if he turns out to speak English, you have only yourself to blame”.
cazrolime SYLAR: *big goofy bloody grin*
ALEJANDRO: *focuses eye power to try and kill him but no, it's not working, because that half belongs to Maya, damnit*
chanelcoco Aaaaand there goes my pet "with great lack of power comes potentially small redevelopment of sanity" theory right down the tubes. *dives under the nearest blanket* HI, SYLAR. GOOD TO HAVE YOU BACK WITH US. AUGH.
phoenixchilde Maya can drive! How surprisingly self-sufficient of her.
lin ...What the fuck, Ctrl+Z? Gabe was willing to DIE to save you people. Sure, he's a serial killer and all, but he gave up his life for you, however temporarily. Beating the shit out of him is not the correct response. Even if it does result in hotness.
lienne Hee. Now this is the part where Alejandro is like "Dude. I speak English."
byakuganchick Mohinder
Mohinder’s very nearly crossing the line. I was literally screaming at the screen when he was about to inject Monica with the Sylar Virus. (I was about to call it the ‘Syrus’, but then realised that this sounded like some Egyptian god rather than two different concepts smooshed together in an attempt to sound cute. ANYWAY.) But then he went MORAL EXPLODIE at Bob. I might adopt him as a moral compass. Everyone else in this show is abruptly evil.
cazrolime "Sylar is a sweet guy who loves his abilities, we can't just take them away from him." Okay, that wasn't exactly what Mohinder said. But he so thought it.
canadian_turtle It's like he's discovering that the company is evil and he's all flabbergasted at this all over again. HRG is like "I knew I should have picked a better inside man."
byakuganchick YAY MO! You're being awesome again! It seems to come in spurts. Maybe he's taking pills or something and they wear off.
byakuganchick Monica
Bob is Monica's personal Oprah.. if Oprah was evil and creepy.. actually, no, that analogy fits rather well now that I think of it.
vampedvixen Is it bad that I want to take Monica and give her a big hug and go, "Oh, sweetie, don't hang out with these people. They're all nuts. Let's go over here and watch medical dramas until you can do heart surgery and carry on a secret love affair with a co-worker like an expert."
trollprincess The Future?
Turns out that in 2008, Congress will unanimously vote in an amendment outlawing dustbin men.
cazrolime My mom thinks that Peter's mission in June 2008 is to save New York from a garbage strike. At this point, Heroes, I'm wondering if maybe she's thinking in the right direction...
shimmeree I am so incredibly pleased that even with a horrific apocolyptic future looming, Hairspray, Wicked and Avenue Q are still playing on Broadway.
byakuganchick Other
I knew I was missing something! Where are Matt and Nathan? I was really looking forward to their ongoing Search for Truth!