Some things never change by Katarin

Oct 09, 2006 15:52

Title: Some things never change
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Peter/Nathan
Warning: Petrellicest, underage, graphic m/m, profanity
Notes: For heroes_flashfic Challenge #2 In the Beginning, heroes50 Prompt #7 Swim
Thanks: to technosage for a fantastic beta and cheering. Any remaining problems are all mine.

The first time happens when Peter is 14, at the cabin Mom and Dad rent for the summer with its own dock and a little rowboat they can take all the way into town. They'd been swimming all day; speed contests and cannonballs into the lake and Nathan holding his head under water so Peter comes up gasping and spitting, punching his brother in the stomach.

Peter had peeled off his swim trunks and just collapsed onto his bed, towel wrapped around his waist and another over his head.

"Looks like you might have a sunburn, Pete," Nathan tells him, one knee on the bed while his finger pokes the reddest part of Peter's skin.

"Doesn't hurt," he replies, moving over to make room for Nathan. "I'll put some aloe vera on it later, though, just to be sure."

Nathan just nods, fingers brushing over Peter's side while he moves to lie down next to him. The broken fan attached to the ceiling still blows onto Peter's bed and the cool air is a welcome respite from the pounding heat of the day. Nathan closes his eyes and stretches out as much as possible given that Peter's laying next to him. Peter watches him, turning over onto his side so he's facing Nathan.

"Hey, Nathan?" he says tentatively.

"Yeah, Pete?" Nathan answers back, not bothering to open his eyes.

"Nothing," Peter says and kisses him, presses his mouth to Nathan's and licks his way inside, moving again so he's on top of Nathan, one hand pressed against Nathan's chest and the other sneaking down to play against the front of Nathan's towel, where his dick is clearly outlined in the soft cotton. When Nathan's towel slips and his hand brushes against the silky length of his brother's cock, Peter can't help the little gasp that comes out.

Nathan takes hold of Peter's wrist, holds it tight so Peter can't move it at all and breaks their kiss. "Peter, you don't have to," he begins and Peter cuts him off by kissing him again, pressing his mouth against Nathan's even though Nathan's remains closed.

"I just want to Nathan," he whispers against Nathan's mouth, his lips are chapped and he can feel them catching against Nathan's lips with every word. "Please, I just wanted to." And he licks against the seam of his brother's lips. "Please."

Nathan drops Peter's wrist, puts one hand in Peter's hair and kisses him back, tongue demanding and Peter falls into it, opening wide while his hips thrust forward. His own cock is peeking through a gap in his towel, sliding wetly against Nathan's stomach. He wraps his fingers around both of them and comes with a whimper almost as soon as he feels Nathan's dick against his own. He keeps hold of Nathan, though, fingers tightening, and he continues to jerk him even while Nathan doesn't let up on his mouth.

Peter's mouth feels bruised and Nathan's fingers tighten in his hair, hips flexing up into Peter's hand. He comes across Peter's chest and stomach, heat and wet and Nathan all over him. Peter falls to the side, picking up his towel to wipe both of them off. He shivers, the fan not as welcome against sweat-damp skin as before, and Nathan lays one of the clean towels over them before stretching out again and closing his eyes.


but that's not really the beginning.


The first time they kiss is in Nathan's bedroom. He and Nathan had just finished jerking off to one of Nathan's issues of Jugz and Peter does it while Nathan's tucking himself back into his jeans and wiping his hands off with a tissue. It's less a kiss and more a full frontal attack with Peter's mouth at first, before Nathan's palm falls against the back of his neck, the thumb stroking against the knob at the top of his spine. Peter stops, pulls away and looks a question directly into Nathan's eyes.

"Just calm down," Nathan says and shows him how to do it right, softer mouths and less tongue. Their teeth clack together a few times but then it's perfect.


Nathan brings his girlfriend home one night when Mom and Dad are out and Nathan tells him not to bother them then closes the door to his bedroom. Peter and Nathan's beds share a wall and when Peter lies down he can hear them. The little noises she's making and the deeper sound of his brother's voice whispering to her how good it feels and the creak of the bed against the floorboards.

Nathan, Nathan, he can hear her calling, breathless and gasping and Peter's so hard he can't stand it. He licks his palm and puts his hand inside his boxers, jerking his cock and spilling into his own hand as soon as he hears Nathan's familiar low groan. He's listened to Nathan do it almost every night for a week now but it's the first time Peter's ever jerked himself off. He wonders if this is how Nathan does it.


Peter dreams of Nathan. Nathan's hands and his mouth and his body. Nathan's hands brushing over someone's stomach, thumbs smoothing over hips. Nathan's mouth following the path his hands took, tongue dipping into a navel and continuing down, his teeth scraping over sensitive abs.

Peter wakes up and his boxers feel sticky, he reaches inside and doesn't understand what happened. From the other side of the wall he can hear Nathan moving around. He holds his breath and hears Nathan groan, quietly and the noises from Nathan's bed stop.
He ambushes Nathan in the bathroom the next morning, closing the door and whispering about his boxers being sticky when he woke up, leaving out the part about the dream, and Nathan laughs out loud.

"Congratulations, Pete," he tells him, punching him in the shoulder. "You're now officially a man."

Peter doesn't believe everything Nathan says about it, but Peter's glad to know it's nothing bad. It can't be that bad if Nathan does it.


"When I grow up, I'm going to marry you," Peter tells his mother one afternoon while they're making cookies. His father had just left the kitchen, stealing a cookie and a kiss from his mom before going outside to toss the football around with Nathan.

"You can't marry me, Peter," she says, helping him roll out the dough. "I'm your mother and besides, I'm much too old for you," she kisses his head, ruffling his hair while he cuts out shapes with the cookie cutter.

If he can't marry his mom, then Peter wants to marry Nathan, Nathan's almost his age after all and Peter loves him more than anything.


and it's certainly not the end.


Nathan's on leave from the Army, crashing at Peter's because he doesn't want to sleep at Mom and Dad's, and with as often as he moves around he doesn't have an apartment of his own. The Yankees are kicking the Red Sox asses and they've both had a few too many beers. Not enough to justify Peter being face down and ass up against his couch, the thin carpet digging into his knees and his jeans and boxers pulled down around his thighs. Nathan comes back from digging around in his duffle with lube and a condom and Peter officially doesn't want to know what really goes on in the army.

Nathan's middle and index finger slick him up quickly and maybe it's the beer or maybe it's because he's done this before, but it doesn't burn nearly as much as he expects it to. With Nathan biting the back of his neck and his brother's cock inside him, making him shudder with ever thrust forward, Peter wonders why they haven't done this before.


Early in the morning on November eighth, Peter and Nathan stumble into Nathan's apartment, Peter still wearing a 'Vote Petrelli' hat. Nathan heads for his answering machine and Peter waits until Nathan's facing him before he gets undressed. Unbuckling and unzipping, stripping out of his hoodie, shirt, jeans and underwear while Nathan checks his messages. They're all people calling to congratulate ‘Congressman Petrelli’ on his amazing win and he can practically feel Nathan soaking it up while he heads for Nathan's bedroom. Nathan’s adoring public could say what they wanted, he knew how to make Nathan smile just for him.

When Nathan finally follows him Peter looks up from beneath the brim of his 'Vote Petrelli' hat with a smile. "You know I've never been fucked by a Congressman before," he tells his brother and spreads his legs.

02- in the beginning

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