ADMIN: Challenge #2 In the Beginning

Oct 03, 2006 19:35

How did Claire first find out she was invincible? Did Nathan know he could fly before he rescued his brother? How many bodies does Niki really have buried? When did Mohinder first really believe his father's theories?

The topic, people, is In the Beginning.

begin be‧gin verb, be‧gan, be‧gun, be‧gin‧ning.
  • 1. to proceed to perform the first or earliest part of some action; commence; start: The story begins with their marriage.
  • 2. to come into existence; arise; originate: The custom began during the Civil War.
    -verb (used with object)
  • 3. to proceed to perform the first or earliest part of (some action): Begin the job tomorrow.
  • 4. to originate; be the originator of: civic leaders who began the reform movement.
  • 5. to succeed to the slightest extent in (fol. by an infinitive): The money won't even begin to cover expenses.

  • Anything goes. There are plenty of interpretations, including some that aren't apparent from the above. Be creative. The challenge will be open one week. All stories are due by Midnight, Pacific time, on Monday, October 9th. If it's not closed yet, and you have a last minute story, feel free to sneak it in. We always want more stories.

    Go ahead and check out user info for information about this group if you're new. If you have suggestions for future stories, please comment in this, or any other challenge post. We're always looking for inspiration.

    02- in the beginning, -admin-

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