Challenge #19: Prompt Grab Bag

Feb 07, 2008 00:37

Hello all! I'm trascendenza, and I'll be helping out with posting the challenges.

This community will be on a weekly challenge posting schedule; challenge will be posted once a week (probably Wednesdays/early Thursdays) and you will have one week to respond to the challenge.

This week, I've decided to go a grab bag of prompts. You are welcome to respond to any of the prompts singly, or you can mix and match, or you can respond to them all individually, if you're ambitious! Basically, any kind of response that is posted in response to one (or more) of these prompts is acceptable. Just do remember that we encourage stories between 100 and 2,000 words as ideal, with more emphasis on the shorter end of the spectrum.


Prompt #1, Word Prompt: [ADAPTATION]:
A change in structure, function, or behavior by which a species or individual improves its chance of survival in a specific environment. Adaptations develop as the result of natural selection operating on random genetic variations that are capable of being passed from one generation to the next. Variations that prove advantageous will tend to spread throughout the population.

Prompt #2: Photograph.

Prompt #3: Lyrics.
Surrender, you've got to give up your need.
Surrender, you've got to give it to me.
The republic of complicity,
So electric--with electricity.

- Cruising by Erase Errata (full lyrics | song file)


Next week we'll probably be back to one challenge (unless people prefer this format?). I'm interested in seeing what sort of prompts you all prefer, so this is sort of a testing of the waters. Any questions, feel free to comment to this post, and of course to comment with any challenge suggestions!

19b- photograph, 19c- lyrics, 19- prompt grab bag, 19a- adaptation, -admin-

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