(no subject)

Nov 17, 2007 20:30

Title: Electric Nectar (1/?)
Characters/Pairings: Peter/Elle, implied Matt/Mohinder, Adam
Rating: PG-13
Spoiler Alert: Season 2, I refuse to read spoilers so up to 2.08.
Summary: Peter knows that saving the world feels like the natural thing to do. He knows that saving the individual is important too...

It had never been Peter’s intention to use Elle the way he did. He had grown to like Elle, maybe he had been suffering from Stockholm syndrome, but she was at the very least interesting. He hadn’t forgotten all about Caitlin of course but he’d been unsuccessful in going back to the future to retrieve her. He’d transported himself to the pub a few times, a future where she was dead, but he had never been able to find her. Adam told him it was time to move on, to focus on saving the future that she was stuck in. Peter wondered if she’d still be stuck there if they changed it.

Peter wasn’t even sure how the hell you could save a future that was in peril because of a disease. A disease that he hadn’t even heard about before he had been transported to the future. Hell after spending thirty years in a prison he isn’t sure how Adam knows about the disease. It didn’t really matter though, he was right after all, they had to save the world. Where would they start was the real question. A question Adam wasn’t completely sure about either, he had verbally told Peter that they had to invade the Company Buildings to find answers but deep, within himself there were doubts. He wasn’t sure that the Company would have the answers to what he was looking for, or that they even knew about that threat yet.

Adam just wanted to save the world, and so did Peter. After all hadn’t he just gone through all that trouble to saving his niece and trying to stop himself from exploding. It seemed like they had saved New York, saved Claire, saved Nathan. He felt that it was the natural thing to do.

“Night Peter.” Adam interrupted his thoughts. Peter turns towards Adam, who is walking past his room.

“Night Adam.” He nods towards him and shuts the door with his telekinesis. Telekinesis he learned was a very useful power. He could easily make a job out of being a couch potato with this power, if he wasn’t concerned with saving the world and all. He had used it a few times around Caitlin and during his visions of the past he had seen himself use it quite a few more times. It appeared that to be one of the powers he used the most, for good reason. He walked over to a pile of canvas’ he had placed in his room, after learning about Peter’s power to paint the future Adam had bought him all the supplies he could possibly dream of and encouraged him to paint often. So far he’d drawn fruitless things, two men yelling at each other while a little girl covered her ears as well as a man wearing horn-rimmed glasses that he felt he should know. He needed a real picture for it to click. That’s how the memories of Claire had come back to him, Adam had shown him a picture of a girl they could enlist help from. A girl who could heal the same way Adam did, which he had found intriguing. Adam had taken the picture back after the memory of her came back to Peter, he’d commented that she was cute and hadn’t mentioned her verbally again. That’s not to say that he hasn’t thought about her.

Peter made a palette of different colors and waited for his power to take over. Once they did he wasn’t brought back down back to reality for a couple of hours. This painting resembled his first painting with it’s monochromatic color scheme of shades of blue. He took a step back from the portrait and realized that the woman in the portrait must be Elle for there were shocks of electricity flowing from her fingertips. He looked at the rest of the painting and realized that there was some kind of shadowy danger that she was getting ready to face. “Elle.” He whispered.

Elle wasn’t quite ready for sleep like the older-than-dirt Adam Monroe was, nor was she going to busy herself with painting. She felt that rebelling would feel better-than-fine, for heaven sake she was not going to spend another night making sure Mohinder wasn’t communicating with Noah Bennet. Boring! Instead Elle walked through the Company building, looking for someone to play with

“Elle!” Bob called after her. Elle huffed and pouted, she had been caught. “Where do you think you’re going? You are supposed to be watching over Mohinder, you know that we can’t trust him.”

“Daddy, he’s so boring. All he does is work with microscopes, and blood, and he’s got that ugly bandage across his face now. So I can’t even be distracted by his prettiness.” Elle sighed dramatically.

“He’s your job.” Bob snapped angrily. He took a moment to recover, he could not speak to Elle in harsh tones. He knew how emotional she could become when it came to being reprimanded. “You were very enthusiastic about your last job.”

“That’s because Peter was interesting. He was pretty, he let me shock him, he was straight.” Elle went off listing his qualities, keeping their secret kiss a secret.

“Yes, you were distracted by him. Which is precisely why you failed with him.” The lights in the hallway flickered and Bob subtly watched where Elle’s hands were. They were balled into tight little fists. He sighed inwardly, Elle had never been very good at taking criticism. He should have saw this coming. Abruptly all the lights went out, it was a blackout. “Look at what you’ve done now.” He muttered under his breath, hoping that she didn’t hear. If she had he is pretty certain that she would have roasted him by now.

Elle hadn’t cared about what Bob had said though. Instead she used the lack of light to her advantage. She quickly left the building and found the first taxi she could. She needed to get away for a little while.

rating: pg13, author: jessieflower, character: adam monroe, character: peter petrelli, character: elle bishop, pairing: matt/mohinder, character: matt parkman, character: mohinder suresh, pairing: elle/peter

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