Heroes Rewatch Season 1, Episode 7 "Nothing to Hide"

Nov 08, 2014 16:13

Heroes Rewatch Season 1, Episode 7 "Nothing to Hide"

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author: means2bhuman, !rewatch

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Comments 12

game_byrd November 10 2014, 03:28:02 UTC
Hey there! Here I am. I got all my stuff done today except figure out my workout schedule for next week. My right shoulder is still giving me problems (rotator cuff issues) so I'm not sure what to do. Everything involves shoulder work, even if it's just holding the weights while I do squats. I don't have a bar and so hold individual dumbbells. I guess I could just do loads of core work ( ... )


means2bhuman November 10 2014, 03:41:02 UTC
I love this exchange, even if it was a “dream.” Peter believes it’s real. “All that matters is love. I love you, Peter. You speak your mind. You know who you are. That’s your power ( ... )


game_byrd November 10 2014, 04:31:22 UTC
I get the impression from the whole brunch thing that the Petrellis only ate family meals as required for public posturing. That's not something I'd really thought about before, because I'd previously imagined they ate together when schedules allowed - I figured Arthur traveled a lot (on thinly veiled Company business), Angela traveled a little (same reason), they probably ate together more between the time of Nathan's birth and Nathan moving out, but since he moved out for military and career, I doubted the family spent much table time. I couldn't see how they could have with the way Peter and Arthur's relationship was.


game_byrd November 10 2014, 03:52:05 UTC
I guess if Molly Walker's dad was frozen at the scene and her mother was pinned to the wall, then maybe the FBI is just classifying any and every supernatural-seeming death as due to Sylar ( ... )


means2bhuman November 10 2014, 04:20:25 UTC
I think in…S3, Noah said something about, "My wife and I were having difficulties conceiving, then we got Claire. Then Lyle came along." And/or some other insinuation that Lyle was their birth child. I agree with the theory otherwise.

I think Peter throws up decent smoke screens - distractions and a quarter of the battle is telling a story that is believable, which Peter does well. I think Nathan is a piss-poor liar and Sylar has his moments of being terrible.


game_byrd November 10 2014, 04:02:19 UTC
"You can talk with us downtown-" No, Audrey. No. Just ... no. But well, empathy never was her strong suit ( ... )


means2bhuman November 10 2014, 04:24:25 UTC
Heidi sets up the conversation atypically for the “did you cheat on me?” conversation, at least, atypical if she actually cares or wants an honest answer. Either that, or she’s already accepted that Nathan has cheated in the past because there is no surprise or anger. There is some hurt but I can't tell what it's directed towards. Nathan responds very quickly and laughs it off, makes a quick exit. Heidi looks very genuinely happy and relieved. So…whatever she got out of that strange and quick exchange made her happy. Hearing what you want to hear is never the truth, it's selective hearing. Maybe she wanted “hope” that Nathan would be there for her emotionally, as a father and flakey, illusion of a husband as she tries to heal and walk again.

I feel worst for Peter, knowing Nathan's secrets and being part of the lie to Heidi. I guess it's fortunate that Heidi and Nathan took care of themselves (or Angela took care of them). Not that Peter would have ever been able to do anything about it - Ireland and S2, then S3 there was no time.


means2bhuman November 10 2014, 04:02:46 UTC
Also Nathan has very much assumed the role of decision-maker and breadwinner for the whole family ( ... )


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