Heroes Rewatch Season 1, Episode 6 "Better Halves"

Nov 01, 2014 18:00

Heroes Rewatch Season 1, Episode 6, "Better Halves"

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author: means2bhuman, !rewatch

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Comments 15

game_byrd November 3 2014, 04:22:20 UTC
Hey there ( ... )


wanderinspirits November 4 2014, 16:42:39 UTC
I always thought places like Las Vegas or the outlying area would be pricey to live in so 30K might easily get blown through depending on what their spending habits were like. It's not like a part time minimum wage thing, though...you are right about that being over poverty, though. Where I live a starting job in most police departments would only be around 24K a year (full time).

Ah, then I remembered they had a decent sized house...that might be part of the problem. They are living in a place they can't necessarily afford at the moment. Though, we don't know the exact numbers for how much they spend to live there and know what they are spending or if they even have a real budget set up. (I had a friend growing up whose mom would always, always move them every few years into a bigger house when there was only two of them and each house got 100K or more higher in price. Lady never saved or put money away and then didn't understand why they had to suddenly cut back on everything and anything once the economy burst.)


game_byrd November 5 2014, 03:05:14 UTC
Yeah, they have a nice big house with a pool and detached garage, and an absolute clunker of a car. It's an interesting discrepancy. On the other hand, just about everyone had a huge place. Even Peter's apparently one bedroom/studio-ish apartment had a lot of space. I know that's probably just so there's enough room to maneuver cameras and not an actual, thought-out reflection of the character's living standards.

As a side note, I agree that proper budgeting is incredibly important to one's personal life!

And welcome to the rewatch threads!


means2bhuman November 9 2014, 02:29:43 UTC
Yes, belated welcome!


game_byrd November 3 2014, 04:29:12 UTC
I remain impressed by how chock-full of fantastic-looking people Heroes is.

That's quite the kiss Eden gives Mo.

Ah, DL gives the Uluru line!

DL and Niki have a pool. They have a good-sized house. You know, they'd be a lot better off if they were simply content with what was achievable - living within your means, sending your child to public school, not being involved with organized crime, and earning your $30k a year and being happy with it. While I understand the attraction of wanting a better life, stealing and enforcing is not the way to do it. They make for odd villains. Very shady. Almost heroic at times in their struggle against the established system that everyone else has to live by.


game_byrd November 3 2014, 04:44:43 UTC
Hiro really did stay true to his core identity throughout the series - always feeling he was a hero with a mission and doing what he could to make it happen. Though honestly I didn't ... I don't know. The show would have been better without Hiro and Ando and with more time spent fleshing out some of the other ones.

Claire had a cough when she was a baby? Didn't they say in S3 or something that she'd never been sick a day in her life?

Also, where did all the insulation go in Niki's attic? That's a really shitty insulation job! I know they're in Vegas, but you need insulation just as much in hot climates as cold ones.

The domestic violence creeps me out. The moral ambiguity of the whole thing is just wrong.

And Isaac gets some screen time. Yay!

That's the ep.


means2bhuman November 9 2014, 03:32:08 UTC
Yes, the bit about Claire being (not) sick wasn't consistent. She survives a fire as an 18 month old, yet gets a cough, and "has never been sick." Hell, her "cough" was probably a kid swallowing something she wasn't supposed to or her indestructible body was adjusting to something. A "cough" doesn't mean she's actually sick, you know? Not for a regenerator. She gets hurt like normal, but later doesn't feel pain, but she just heals from it, so maybe she had a sickness or disease as a baby and her regen handled it.

Simply put, it's not a real attic!


game_byrd November 9 2014, 03:46:07 UTC
Oh! That's a great idea! Toddler Claire could have swallowed something inappropriate like toddlers often do, but instead of suffocating from it, she just has this continual coughing spell as her body tries to reject the bottle cap, barbie head, half-dollar, or whatever thing is lodged in her throat. It would be funny (sort of?) if Noah had to rush her in to the Company, worried she was going to die, only to find she'd swallowed something.


means2bhuman November 9 2014, 02:49:07 UTC
I love how they shot this ending/opening scene with several cameras ( ... )


game_byrd November 9 2014, 02:59:48 UTC
I think Isaac's main customers were members of the Company. Linderman purchased quite a few of his paintings, after all.

Good catch about the driver's license! I'm not sure how that sort of thing works - going to another country and trying to rent a car, if you're a valid driver in the country you're from. Because Ando clearly knows how to drive (both a car and a motorcycle), so I assume he's licensed in Japan. It's not a set of questions I asked about my trip to England earlier this year as we planned to take trains and buses everywhere, and did.


means2bhuman November 9 2014, 03:39:20 UTC
I didn't think about other Company members buying his paintings. Linderman does have a collection of 'relevant' pieces.

Well, to be honest, I don't know if Asian countries even have DOL/DOTs and they're probably not centralized. I wish I could remember which city/country it was, but one of them literally had no "rules of the road", no legal system for driving. Like, none. Taiwan was it? I can see a main city like Hong Kong having some. And Europe uses different cars, speed limits (a difference measurement system for crying out loud), different sides of the road/car to drive on, etc. It makes no sense. Ando wouldn't have travelled to the U.S./other English-speaking country to get a license or learn English per se because he's one of many office workers. Now, Hiro might have travelled with his father, one of the Company, but Hiro knows none of this.


means2bhuman November 9 2014, 03:28:41 UTC
More Mo the hypocrite. "Carrying on" in public is something you and Peter have in common, remember? He acts like Peter is a nutjob when Mo clearly believes the same thing. I get that Peter's delivery leaves a lot to be desired and it's easier to believe that Peter is off his meds, but…Mo doesn't even take much of a chance to find out if his/his father's life's work exists and is provable? And what chance he does take (getting on the subway with Peter) is grudging and cynical. Make up your mind! You just want to be superior whether you're right or wrong ( ... )


game_byrd November 9 2014, 03:42:46 UTC
I, too, had the impression Mohinder was simply dominance-tripping and being a disbelieving jerk to Peter out of spite, because so many people had been disbelieving of Mohinder. It's very human, but Peter didn't have anything to do with it, so it's mean. Plus he's shooting himself in the foot.


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