Round Four: artists/vidders: rules, deadlines, signup

Apr 15, 2010 01:20

Challenge Rules for Artists/Vidders

1. You agree to create at least one piece of art or a vid to accompany one of the Big Boom stories.
2. Art can be of any type you wish: orginal illustration, cover art, photo manip, vid, set of icons.
3. Art or Vid can be of any rating you choose, provided that it is not more than one rating higher than your chosen fic. Ie., if your fic is G, gen, you cannot make shippy art or rate higher than PG13.
4. You will be able to post your artwork or vid at your livejournal or site. If you'd rather, we will host your art at a photobucket account.
5. Art and vids may not be posted unlocked anywhere on the web, in whole or in part, before your assigned posting date. Posting to regular small audiencing groups is excepted, but keep the numbers down.

Important Deadlines

1. You must sign up by the end of the day on August 3rd. Artist sign ups will stay open if not enough stories are being claimed.

2. On August 4th a list of story titles and summaries will be posted for you to claim as prompts on a first come, first served basis. Once you have claimed a prompt, you will be given the author's name and you will be able to review the story draft for additional inspiration.

3. Once every story is claimed, there may be a second round of claiming, so if you didn't get to claim a story the first round, don't despair! (Update: Claiming Round #2 will take place on August 8th).

4. The due date for completed artwork/vids is September 1. You must provide us with either a live link to the art or vid, or the art file itself in a photobucket compatible format.

5. Posting, one or two fics a day, will begin at an early September date to be announced. Each artist/author team will be assigned a posting date so that we can spread the posting out over a period of two weeks - assuming we have enough fic. This will give everyone time to read and appreciate the stories, which won't happen if they're posted en masse. This means that some people will be finished and unable to post for a few days, but it will also give us a chance to accommodate one or two authors/artists who might need a few days extension, or deal with any pinch-hit situations.

To Sign Up:

Copy the coding from the block below, and paste it into a comment. Then fill out.

LJ username:
Artist/Vidder name:
Email where we can reach you:
Just to get a sense of what you might create (this is NOT binding, but please speculate), will you make art or a vid?
Do you prefer to make your art/vid for gen, slash, het?
Can you make art/vids for Heroes, RPF, Heroes crossovers?
Is there anything you absolutely won't make art for?
Would you be willing to pinch hit?

For example, your sign-up might look like:

LJ username: brighteyed_jill (er... this is a very far-fetched example...)
Artist/Vidder name: Jill
Email where we can reach you: myemail @
Just to get a sense of what you might create (this is NOT binding, but please speculate), will you make art or a vid? art (charcoal)
Do you prefer to make your art/vid for gen, slash, het? can do gen, slash, or het
Can you make art/vids for Heroes, RPF, Heroes crossovers? Heroes and crossovers
Is there anything you absolutely won't make art for? het incest, or Nathan or Peter crossed over with anyone else (ie, Nathan/Dean (SPN) is a no), but in canon other ships are fine.
Would you be willing to pinch hit? Sure!

And if you'd like to sign up but not in a public venue just put SCREEEN in your comment subject line and one of the mods will screen it right away so we will be the only ones that can see it.

We know some people will sign-up and not be able to meet the deadline or not find a prompt they can do. That's okay! Sign up! Take a chance. You never know what you can accomplish if you try!

Thank you so much for participating!

Your mods for this round,

chosenfire28 and dragon_lord

round four, admin

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