Round Five Writer Sign Ups

Jun 05, 2011 01:49

Challenge Rules for Writers
1. Stories must have a minimum length of 10,000 words. There is no maximum length.
2. Stories may be gen, het, or slash.
3. The central story element must focus on Heroes characters or actors from Heroes (if you are writing RPF). AUs and crossovers are permitted.
4. Stories may be posted to your own journal or site; a master list of links and summaries will be posted here at the community.
5. Stories may not be posted anywhere on the web, in whole or in part, before your assigned posting date. Posting to betas or regular small audiencing groups is excepted, but the idea is to keep the fics anonymous for the artists/vidders to select from,and fresh when first posted, so keep the numbers down.
6. All stories must be beta'd before final posting. There is a bigboom support community, bigboom_lounge, that can help you find a beta if you need one. This is also a great place to find advice.

Important Deadlines
1. You must sign up by July 3rd .

2. In order to participate in Big Boom, you must have a first draft, summary, and final title completed and turned in (details on the how to will follow closer to the date) by September 1st.. This is required, so that we know you will finish before the artists/vidders begin their work.

3. September 3rd, summaries of the fics will be posted as an anonymous list of prompts for artists/vidders to claim.

4. Final drafts are due on October 9th.

To Sign Up:
Copy the coding from the block below, and paste it into a comment. Then fill out.

LJ username:
Email where we can reach you:
Just to get a sense of what you might write (this is NOT binding, but please speculate), will you write Heroes, RPF, or Heroes/....? crossover?
Will you write gen, slash or het?

For example, your sign-up might look like:

LJ username: chosenfire28
Email where we can reach you:
Just to get a sense of what you might write (this is NOT binding, but please speculate), will you write Heroes, RPF, or Heroes/....? crossover? Heroes/SPN crossover
Will you write gen, slash or het? Slash and het.

If you want to sign up but don't want to post your info in a public forum put SCREEN in the subject line of your comment and one of the mods will screen your comment right away, so only we can see it.

We know some people will sign-up and not be able to meet the deadline, or not be able to write 10K. That's okay! If they finish something later or shorter, there'll still be great fic to read. If you don't make the first draft deadline, the only thing that happens is you can't participate in the art/vid portion of Big Boom and you won't be part of the Official Big Boom master list/website posting or be able to post to this comm.

Sign up! Take a chance. You never know what you can accomplish if you try!

Thank you so much for participating!

Your mod for this round,

mod post, round five

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