RP meme

Mar 03, 2009 19:28

Give me a current character of mine and I will list for you their:

01.) Full name?
02.) Best friend?
03.) Sexuality?
04.) Favorite color?
05.) Relationship status?
06.) Ideal mate?
07.) Turn-ons?
08.) Last sexual experience?
09.) Favorite food?
10.) Crushes?
11.) Favorite music?
12.) Biggest fear?
13.) Biggest fantasy?
14.) Quirks in bed?
15.) Bad habits?
16.) Biggest regret?
17.) Best kept secrets?
18.) Last thought?
19.) Worst sexual/romantic experience?
20.) Biggest insecurity?

This is for all my pups, numerous as they are. I can't possibly list them all. If you think I play someone but aren't sure, guess! You're probably right.

Oh, and for Clark, you may choose canon!Clark, SWS!Clark or milliways!Clark.

[meme] quizzes and questionnaires, [messages] mun ooc

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