Victory Fanfiction

May 24, 2012 21:15

Title: Back in Business
Author: hermitknut
Rating: U
Fandom: Mixed. Seriously, there are a lot.
Summary: It was a nice flat. Roomy.
Wordcount: 1011
A/N: Hello everyone :D I've just finished the last essay of my BA, and handed it in. Now all I have to do is wait for results. To celebrate, I threw together a little fic as a way of starting to get my hand ( Read more... )

fandom: chronicles of narnia, fandom: discworld, fandom: doctor who, real life: university, event: party, fandom: wicca/sweep, fandom: animorphs, fandom: supernatural, fandom: lord of the rings, fandom: torchwood, fandom: dollhouse, fandom: sherlock, fanfiction, reaction: squee, harry potter, fandom: merlin, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, reaction: yaaywhoot!, fandom: artemis fowl

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Comments 20

tambear13 May 24 2012, 20:42:05 UTC
Haha - my mind is boggled. I'm not even gonna try and guess 15!! But that was awesome - so much going on... ♥


hermitknut May 24 2012, 21:31:39 UTC
*claps delightedly* Glad you liked it! It's how my brain is right now. So much exciting fic to write, but I have to pick something O.O

Thanks for commenting :D



lanenk May 24 2012, 20:56:25 UTC
That was awesome. I love that you put the animmorphs in there! I loved that series when I was younger. Also Sherlock's comment made me giggle... so true.


hermitknut May 24 2012, 21:34:47 UTC
*beams* You recognised Animorphs! *excuse to use animorphs icon* It's so rare to find someone else that likes it, or so it seems :D I'm still collecting all the books, mostly secondhand.

I'm so glad you liked it - and Sherlock is always right ;). Thanks for commenting!



lanenk May 25 2012, 02:52:45 UTC
:D yeah, I saw the bit about "and a Hawk" and I was all TOBIAS! He was my fave.. him and Ax. I think I only know one other person who had ever even heard of the series so it was really cool to see it here. I had the whole series each one gotten right after it came out, then I stupidly lent the last ten to a friend and now I have to get those ten again. :P


hermitknut May 25 2012, 11:15:22 UTC
Tobias is my favourite too :D *cuddles him* I was trying to work Ax into this but I could find a place for him. I got the series out of order when I was a kid, and I'm still missing about thirteen books - including the final one, which I still haven't read yet :O I'm picking them off amazon every time I have a few quid, so I'll get there eventually. Bummer about the last ten!



bookwrm89 May 24 2012, 21:00:13 UTC
Okay, here goes....
Ron Weasley, Hermione Grainger, Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Captain Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones, Spike, Merlin, Willow, Hawkeye Pierce, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, the Doctor, Merry, Pippin, Frodo, Sam, the Master, Sam Tyler, Lucy Pevensie (I think)....

Okay, I'm tapped, I know there are others that I recognize but can't think of the names at the moment LOL


bookwrm89 May 24 2012, 21:02:44 UTC
Ooops...three more...Arthur Pendragon, Peter Pevensie and Edmund Pevensie...


hermitknut May 24 2012, 21:36:09 UTC
All correct :D You are very, very good XD So much fun to dance around with this many characters, and I'm glad you recognised so many!

Thanks for commenting :)



bookwrm89 May 24 2012, 21:40:25 UTC
LOL it's probably a commentary on the fact that I watch entirely too much television or something but, oh well.

It is fun to play around with a lot of different characters. The fic I'm doing for reel_torchwood is going to have characters from several different a completely cracked kind of way.


calistomyth May 25 2012, 06:40:31 UTC
Yay! I love it :P Although there's only about 2 fandoms in this I could actually follow..
Congratulations on finishing! I feel like celebrating on your behalf! Where do you go from here?xx


hermitknut May 25 2012, 11:18:10 UTC
Hahaha, I'm glad you like it, thanks :D Two fandoms? Hm. There's Doctor Who and Harry Potter and Being Human (very briefly), so at least three you should know ;)

Thank youuu! I'm feeling very chipper about it myself. And from here... I don't go very far, actually. I'm staying on to do an MA at the same uni :D



xthursdaynextx May 29 2012, 21:51:41 UTC
This is a fun concept. I didn't get them all first time through, though.


hermitknut May 29 2012, 21:57:13 UTC
I'm glad you liked it :D And that's fair enough, it's kind of wired to my brain so if you're not me it's not entirely clear XD

I feel like I haven't seen you for ages. Thanks for commenting :D



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